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Compared to the rest of his kind, Migdarr likes spending his time down amongst the mortals. With their short lifespan and self-destructive behaviour, no day was like the other. Then add in the factor that he runs a bar; no evening is boring. The small establishment had been created so he could keep a watchful eye on his favourite girls and boys, because they’ve needed the protection throughout the years.

Hearing how the door opens, he lifts his attention from the glass he was cleaning, smiling brightly towards the costumers.


It was still quite early in the evening, something that didn’t change the activity in this place. The Godly Shield had a reputation on being the safest bar in the city, something Migdarr takes pride in. He’s not a God of protection for nothing after all. As the hours ticks by, part of the regular crew starts to walk through the door.

Looking up at the familiar voices, he smiles. He will most likely come to regret what he is about to do, but hey, he can blame it on spending too much time with the humans.

“Run! The feds are here!”

He calls out, his smile turning wicked as the uniformed officers all looks at him with narrowed eyes. Before Migdarr has a chance to great them properly however, on of the men who had entered about an hour earlier, throws himself off his chair and rums out of the bar, passing the police.

Blinking a few times in complete surprise, he makes sure to hold up one finger to silence any comments.

“Should we be worried about that?”

He asks, hopping nothing bad would be coming out of his little stunt. Maybe he has spent to much time down on earth.

“Nah, whatever that was about, he will be stopped outside.”

One of the officers informs him, a wave of his hand. Looking at the others, Migdarr sees how they nods their heads in agreement, he has been played by the fed’s. Oh, how happy he is none of the Caelum crew is there to witness this.

“If you say so, I presume you all want your usual?”

As heads nods for a second time, the group moves towards one of the larger tables. A table that Migdarr knows for a fact many of the people in the bar has eyed throughout the night. But by now, the usual costumers knows that table belongs to the city’s police and there nothing they can do about it, Migdarr himself can’t do much, seeing as he actually likes having them there. It becomes an added layer of protection for the people within the building.

Placing the bottles of beer on a serving tray, he walks over to the table and placing the tray in the middle.

“For the lads and ladies. I hope you have all had a somewhat good day and not too much of this city’s bullshit.”

He says, earning laughter from the group as each one grabs hold of a bottle and holding them up as a thank you for him. Smiling himself and with a shake of his head, he leaves the table, only to come to a stop when the door opens. As his eyes travels to the opening, they land on a quite handsome man, short black hair that has clearly been messed with to stay flat and eyes almost as dark. But there is something about his aura that made Migdarr stop.

This man isn’t human, not fully at least. A change has been thrust upon him and from what Migdarr can see, this will make things a bit complicated. But for now, he pushes those thoughts to the back of his mind and smiles brightly.

“Welcome to the Godly Shield bar!”

He greats the newcomer, moving his hand that he should take a seat at the bar. Seeing the slight confusion in the man’s eyes, Migdarr takes his usually place behind the bar, waiting to see what the man would do. Seeing that he does walk towards the bar, there is a sound of surprise and hello’s coming from the table with the officers, all of them holding up their beers as a greeting. Lifting one small eyebrow, Migdarr is now quite intrigued on what is going on and what the connection is. And he becomes quite pleased that the man decides to come over to the bar and not join his fellow friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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