I will meet you at the graveyard

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TWS - violence, implied death.

*Paul is in art class with Miss Campbell, bolton is sat beside him*

Paul is chewing at his nails, eyes darting accross the room at any slight noise or movememt when his eyes hit focus on Miss Campbell
Miss Campbell tells the class to go and get their art work if it isn't already with them, Nik goes to find his artwork but on his way, he knocks into Paul and Boltons desk, spilling water all over Pauls work.

Paul - "What was that for!"
Nik - "I-it was an a-accident"

Paul has an overwhelming sense of anger and lunges at the boy, they tumble onto the floor going at eachother. "Stop that now!" Miss Campbell tries to intervene but there is no stopping paul.

Miss Campbell alerts Mr clarkson of the situation and he bursts into the room and grabs paul of off Nik. Paul suddenly lunges at Mr Clarkson, Pauls friend Theo grabs paul but ends up getting a punch to the face.

Mr clarkson finally gets hold of paul and restrains him, he starts giving the pair a lecture about how fighting isn't acceptable

Paul - "He started it!"
Nik - "You- randomly- punched...me"

"I DON'T CARE WHO STARTED IT!" Mr Clarkson shouts as Eddie Lawson, deputy head and pauls carer walks in.

Eddie takes paul into another room to calm down and Theo and Nik head to the nurse.

Paul pushes Eddie, "Your not even my real dad!" and another push, "You don't care!"
"I do.. Paul please calm"

Paul sits on a desk, hyperventilating, Eddie sits beside him, putting his arm around Pauls shoulders. Paul leans into Eddie feeling terrible, physically and mentally.

Eddie - "Whats up bud?"

Paul shakes his head as to say 'Nothing' but Eddie sees through his lies

Eddie - "I know somethings wrong buddy, you can tell me, I love you"

Paul hesistates and then says sniffling, "I miss me mum..so much" his eyes glaze over and he has started to cry.

"Oh bud..." Eddie rubs pauls arm to gently ground him, "I know you miss her...you loved her so much didn't you" Paul nods, not wanting to talk.

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