Chapter 4: A Hero Fighting A Old Bully!

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After the intense Quirk Apprehension Test, Class 1A found themselves back in their classroom, buzzing with excitement as they discussed their performances. Izuku Midoriya, in particular, found himself at the center of attention, bombarded with questions from his curious classmates about his remarkable display during the test.

Sero: "Hey, Midoriya, how did you manage to breeze through the test like that?"

Kirishima: "What's your quirk, Midoriya? You were so Manly!"

Tsu: "Did you really take down those robots without breaking a sweat?"

Izuku felt overwhelmed by the sudden flurry of inquiries, his mind racing as he struggled to find the right words to respond. Before he could gather his thoughts, however, the classroom door open, and in strode their homeroom teacher, Ectoplasm.

Ectoplasm: "Alright, settle down, everyone. I know you're all eager to discuss the test, but let's keep it orderly."

His authoritative voice cut through the chatter, bringing a sense of order back to the classroom. As the students took their seats and quieted down, Ectoplasm began the day's lesson, redirecting their focus to their studies.

{Time Skip To There Last Class}

After their Modern Literature lesson with Cementoss, 1A found themselves eagerly awaiting their first hero lesson. Excitement crackled in the air as they speculated about who their heroics teacher could be.

Kirishima: "I hope it's someone like Snipe! He's super cool with his Homing quirk!"

Kaminari: "Ectoplasm would be awesome! I heard he's solid."

Jiro: "We already have Ectoplasm for math, idiot."

Ashido: "Ooh, maybe it's that new staff member! I heard they're bringing in some big names this year!"

While the class engaged in lively speculation, Izuku remained silent, his thoughts elsewhere. He had a good idea of who their heroics teacher would be, but he kept his suspicions to himself.

Suddenly, the classroom door slammed open, and everyone's attention snapped to the figure standing in the doorway. It was none other than All Might himself, his towering form filling the doorway as he struck a dramatic pose.


The classroom erupted into excited cheers and applause as the students realized that the legendary Symbol of Peace would be their instructor. However, Izuku's reaction was more subdued, his expression betraying a mix of emotions as memories of past encounters with All Might flooded his mind.


Bakugo: "Battle~?"

Izuku: "Training?"


He pressed a button on a small remote he had and number briefcases pop out lockers on the wall.


With that, All Might quickly races out the room. Everyone excitedly got up and grabbed their case. Izuku got up and grabbed his case. Despite the excitement, Izuku couldn't shake the unease that settled in the pit of his stomach.

{In The Men Changing Room}

Izuku sat his case down on one of the wooden benches and began to remove his clothes. Kirishima glanced over and caught sight of his toned physique.

Kirishima: "Damn Midoriya! You're ripped!"

Izuku paused in his movements, slightly taken aback by the unexpected praise.

Izuku: "U-um, Thanks. Yeah, I've been trying to keep up with my training regimen."

Kirishima: "That's awesome, man! You gotta tell me your secret!"

Izuku: "Its nothing, really. I mostly cleaned Takoba Municipal Beach."

Ojiro: "Wait a minute... Takoba Municipal Beach? You're the one who cleaned up the beach?!"

Izuku turned to face Ojiro, a faint blush creeping into his cheeks at the unexpected attention.

Izuku: "Um, yeah, that was me. I figured it could use a little tidying up, and it was great training."

Ojiro: "Man, you're a lifesaver! The place was packed once again, and people always wondered who cleaned it up."

Izuku's smile widened at Ojiro's heartfelt gratitude. Altho he didn't do it for any praise but it was nice knowing that his small act of kindness had made a difference.

{At Ground Beta}

In the expansive training ground of Ground Beta, Class 1A assembled in their hero costumes.

All Might: "THEY SAY THE COSTUME MAKES THE HERO! AND YOU'RE THE RESULTS!! Um, where's young Midoriya?"

Just as All Might spoke, Izuku Midoriya emerged from the tunnel, drawing the attention of his classmates and their instructor alike. Izuku's costume was a combination of him and his mother thinking.

Izuku wore a sleek green and black bodysuit with a high collar, accented with striking white details. He wore white gloves, bold red boots, and a flowing red cape that billowed behind him with each step. Additionally, a metal gorget adorned his neck, providing an extra layer of protection. Which was Inko's idea.

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