12. Ruthless's brother?

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After the game's revision, Demon God had become much more developed in term of its features. One of the new developments introduced was the custom-look feature. When creating their characters, each player would experience a rich alter-system to set feature details and hairstyle types of their characters. The game's shop also launched a variety of fashion clothing and dyeing functions for more personalized customisation.

Jimin looked at He Min; not only his clothes and hairstyle, but his hair color and facial features were also similar to Fire's! The only difference was his temperament; with his ghostly-pale skin and hostile expression, he carried himself as if he had just climbed out of endless hell.

Moreover, the bosses in this game were generally larger than ordinary players, and this applied to He Min as well. If Fire and Nine Hall's heights in the game were roughly described as 1.8-meter, then He Min's actually reached almost 2-meters.

The former demon-leader used a black sword as his weapon, which shone brightly in the the depths of Mountain's flames.

The moment He Min came into their sights, Nine Hall His Highness immediately made a summoning action. With a golden flash, a mighty golden lion soon appeared at his side, roaring: "Ah Woo ~ ~ ~"

Another special feature of Demon God game was its rich system-pets. So far, Jimin had only seen three of them—Fire Ruthless's Blazing Soul Rosefinch, Leisure Cloud's dragon, and Nine Hall His Highness's lion.

Because the "spirit pet" occupation was not really developed by the game's company, these kinds of "pets" had become an indispensable feature of this game.

High level pets were sometimes even more powerful than their owners. In combat, using a pet was equivalent to having another person in terms of fighting ability. That was why, when doing PK, most players usually had basic understanding of not summoning their pets, since it would feel like 2vs1 otherwise.

In addition, there was no meat tank (MT) occupation in this game, so, most players used pets to fill in this position. Leisure Cloud's dragon, and Nine Hall His Highness's lion were used for this too, because they had the thickest blood volumes.

At this moment, His Highness suddenly shouted, "Let's go, Little Gold! Let's beat, Ruthless's brother!"

Jimin: "..." Wait, Ruthless's brother? ( ̄_ ̄| | |)

Nine Hall His Highness and Leisure Cloud began controlling their pets, and the dragon-lion duo immediately rushed to He Min, completely distracting him. The former demon-lord was too busy trying to kill them, and ignored the attacks of the other players.

Jimin asked in the team channel: "Why did Nine Your Highness call He Min as Ruthless's brother?"

Nine Hall His Highness: "Haha, don't you think he looks like Fire Ruthless?"

〖 Team〗 – JM: "Yes..."

〖 Team〗 – JM: "Fire, your character's design is a cosplay of He Min?"

〖 Team〗 – Fire Ruthless: "..."

"He is the one cosplaying me, alright." Taehyung said, while sending a private chat to Jimin

〖 Private Chat Fire Ruthless〗: "What did you just call me?"

Jimin: "..."

The rest of the team laughed wildly, then Dead Water explained: "Fire Ruthless used this design first, He Min's character was created later on."

〖 Team〗 – Nine Hall His Highness: "Yes, when He Min's character first came out, Ruthless has been using this image for several years. The game company really doesn't have moral integrity ah, they designed the new dungeons's bosses by copying several high-profile players. In addition to Fire Ruthless, there is also the White Maple's Ice Prison's boss who looks like Dead Water! Hahaha, that's why people start calling them as official BLCP..."

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