10. fever

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The next morning, Jimin woke up with a dizzy head, sore throat, aching limbs, and breathing difficulty–he had a fever!

Yes, it was raining when he went to the lake yesterday, and he did not take a warm bath after coming back to his dormitory, stupidly feeling like he was invincible to all diseases... So it was inevitable... Orz...

Jimin got up and drank a cup of water, then went back to lie down like a corpse on his bed.

Even when Ki Joon, who slept late yesterday, finally woke up, Jimin's position stayed the same-"Why haven't you get ready yet?"

For these 2.5 years of them living together, Jimin had always been an early riser, every day, he woke up at six o'clock without fail. So, to see him actually slept in like this, for Ki Joon it was a once-in-a-lifetime thing.

Jimin said: "I don't feel well, maybe have a little fever."

"But your complexion is not bad ah," Ki Joon came over and put a hand on Jimin's forehead, "Ouch, okay, it's a bit hot. Want to go to the hospital?"

Jimin's physique condition had always been a bit unique, it did not matter whether he had flu, fever, or was simply feeling tired, his complexion never turned bad, his voice also would stay the same, at most, it would only become a bit hoarse. So, even when he was ill, if he insisted that he was fine, other people would automatically think so too.

"No, I'll just rest for now," he said. "I will be better soon."

Ki Joon was not the type of people who was good at taking care of others, therefore, after he heard Jimin said that, he also didn't force him.

At noon, Ki Joon brought a meal back from the canteen to Jimin. He did not linger long though, and soon left again to play outside for the rest of the afternoon. In the evening, he went back to check on Jimin. However, when he saw that Jimin still stayed in the same position as before, with the meal he brought last time left untouched on the bedside table, Dongyan realized that something was really wrong. He rushed to Jimin's side, and touched his forehead again: his temperature is way higher than before, and what's with all this sweat ah!!

"Jiminie, Jiminie ...", he tried calling Jimin's name a few times, but there was no answer. Ki Joon was frightened. He hurriedly pulled the other man up, put some casual clothes on him, then ran out of the room to look for help, "Big head!Kim hyung! Are you there?!" he knocked on the room next door for a while, but as he had expected, the room was empty. The two people who lived there were locals, so they would always go home every weekend.

Ki Joon returned reluctantly to Jimin's room, thinking about how to bring Jimin to the hospital by himself.

Jimin didn't weigh much, he really wasn't heavy. It's just.. Ki Joon's stature was too small. His height was only 162cm, while Jimin's was 172cm; to carry someone who was ten centimeters taller than him... it would certainly be a very tiring task.

He had no other choice though. Ki Joon sighed, picked Jimin up, then carefully carried him out of the room. When he arrived at the dormitory's stairs, he unexpectedly bumped into two students, "What's wrong with him?"

Ki Joon stopped and balanced himself: "My roommate has a fever, he was burning and feeling dizzy before!"

"Eh, isn't this Jimin!" one of them exclaimed.

"Hey, you know him?" Ki Joon was pleasantly surprised, "then, help me quickly!"

Soon after he said that, the burden on his arms was suddenly taken, moved to the arms of one of the tall guys. Even with Jimin's weight added to his body, the man's look did not change, still looking very relaxed as he walked down the stairs.

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