Chapter 6

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As he hung up the call and giving good luck to April. Don stretch out of chair, making his way out of his lab heading towards the infirmary. Seeing someone sitting in front of the med bay door.

"sigh, Angelo, what are you doing?" Don could see him trembling. "It isn't fair" Angelo said in soft quiet voice. Angelo lifted his head to make eye contact with Don. Don could see tears starting to form on Angelo eyes. "I want to see Leo too!" Angelo had clench his still healings hands together. Don understood the family had been wanting to see Nardo but he didn't want to risk his twin health.

"I understand Angelo, everyone want to help and see Nardo. But please understand Leo health is really important. I barely was able to rid the infection he gotten making his health worse. Almost fatal." Don knows his twin health was getting better, knowing he would awaken from his coma sooner or later.

"Look Angelo, Nardo still can't receive visitor." Angelo look down in sadness. "But the moment he wake up, you will be the one I alert first so you can see him. Sounds good?" Angelo lifted his head with excitement beaming through his eyes.

"You Promised?" There was nothing he could do but smile. "Promise!"

A alert went off on Don gantlet. Quickly checking seeing that Sheldon was on his way back to the lair. Making his way towards the entrance. Sheldon came zooming in. "WHAT THE ISSUE DON?" Sheldon was swirling around Don. "No issue Sheldon, just a simple alert."

"Wonderful, because there something I must alert you." Don heard the voice he didn't want to hear so soon. "Hello, Usagi" Noticing he was alone. "Is everyone close by?" Usagi made a worried look. "Can we talk in private? There something I must warn you before they get here." Usagi kept glancing towards the entrance. "sure, we can talk in my lab." Don turned around heading towards the lab with Usagi following behind.

Once they were both inside. Don closed the lab door, having a feeling he should. "Now then what is it you want to talk about."

"You can't let them come here!" Usagi spoken with fear in his voice.

"Are you referring to our dimensional counter-parts?" Don had questioned. Usagi nodded.

"Why shouldn't they come if they are just another version of us?"

Usagi went silent for a bit before he spoke again. "They smelled like them."

Don was confused. "Smell like who?'

"Those monster. The ones who hurt Leo and your family."

Don froze hoping he heard wrong. "You're not referring to them are you?" Don was shaken in fear.

"I am. I smelt the Kranng on them." Usagi clenched his hand into fists. "When I did, I hurried back to warn you before your friends bring them here."

Don rushed towards his computer, calling April hoping she will pick up.

("Hey Don, what up?")

"Where are you right now?" Don frantically asked. Hoping they weren't nearby.

("We just arrived at the man hole cover. barely entering the sewers.") Don let out a sign of relief.

("Why? Did something happened? Do we need to hurry back?")

"No, no! The opposite actual." Don was glad they were still far from the lair.

("What's wrong, Don?") April could tell something was up.

"Are you alone at the moment?"

("For know yes. what's going on?")

"They can't come to lair!" Don had said with a stern voice.

("why not?")

"I'll explain when you get back. For now take them somewhere else." Don wasn't gonna risk bringing them to the lair if they are somewhat connect to the kranng. Especially when they were still healing and one is out for the count. Don wasn't gonna take any chances.

("Alright. But where do I take them too.")

Don though for a while. Where could they take them to, so he can be able to keep a eye on them for now. He knew just the place. He didn't like it but it was the only place April could take them to.

"Take them to the old lair!"

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