Chapter 17

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Shadow woke up in the middle of the night hearing his name being called, he groaned and sat up seeing a blue light outside the window moving away, he looked over at Y/n before moving his arm and climbing out of bed, he pulled his top on and grabbed his bandages as he waked out the room, whiskey yawned and looked over tilting his head watching as Shadow walked out, whiskey got up and walked into the bedroom licking Y/n's hand waking him, he groaned and sat up looking around a little confused as whiskey walked to the door and whined "what's wrong, where's Shadow?" Y/n mumbled as he got up and pulled a top on then followed whiskey, he led Y/n through the woods following Shadows scent before he stopped and looked over at Y/n who peaked over the bushes to see Shadow crouched on the ground quietly talking to something Y/n couldn't see, Y/n went to walk over but whiskey stopped him and looked over to the bushes, Y/n looked over before seeing the same woman from the castle crawl out using her hands as her skin looked like ash and had glowing cracks over her body, she stopped by Shadow and sat up on her tail as Shadow stood up before lots of corpses stood up from the bushes surrounding Shadow, he growled before the woman laughed and two of the corpses grabbed Shadows wings and threw him to the ground as he struggled, the woman took a needle from somewhere on her body and lowered herself whispering something into Shadows ear before she touched the symbol on his head and pushed the needle into his neck, Shadow growled and arched his back as the shadows started leaking from his body, the woman pulled back and put the syringe away before she grabbed Shadows throat and slammed him into a tree impaling him, Shadow gasped and groaned softly as a little blood dripped from his lips, Y/n growled and stepped out the bushes with whiskey as his eyes lit up, the woman looked over before she threw Shadow over and quickly slithered off with the corpses following, Y/n crouched by Shadow and turned him on his back "angel" he said as he pulled the small branch out making Shadow groan and wince softly "you can feel it?" Y/n asked as he picked Shadow up "a little" Shadow breathed as Y/n started walking back.

Y/n walked back in and lay Shadow on the bed "what happened?" Y/n asked as he grabbed a towel and started cleaning the blood off "I heard someone calling my name, then I was talking to Sophia. she was trying to convince me to join her, when I said no she summoned those things" Shadow mumbled "what did she do to you? can you still feel the pain?" Y/n asked, Shadow shook his head "I cant feel it anymore, I think she took some of my blood" Shadow said as the wound started to heal "next time wake me up, she could have taken you, or hurt you more" Y/n sighed as Shadow curled up "I didn't know that was her" Shadow sighed as Y/n lay behind him and wrapped his arm around his waist "its ok, lets just go back to sleep" Y/n said as he got comfortable, Shadow sighed and lay his head on the pillow as he stared at the wall. Y/n woke up in the morning to see Shadow was curled up in the corner shaking softly and hyperventilating a little "angel, you ok?" Y/n asked as he got up and walked over "I'm fine" Shadow whispered as he scratched at the back of his neck hard, Y/n grabbed his hand and held it "cravings?" he asked watching as Shadow nodded, Y/n grabbed Shadows box and sat down rolling him a joint "how long have you been up for?" Y/n asked as he handed the joint to Shadow and grabbed the lighter "I haven't slept since we got back" he said as he shakily lit the joint "you want to stay in today? play some raids?" Y/n asked, Shadow shook his head and took a drag of his joint "you want to go for a flight?" Y/n asked as he helped Shadow to his feet, he nodded and lent on Y/n "ok, get dressed" Y/n said as he kissed Shadows neck then moved over to the draws to get dressed "you going to be ok for a couple days while I go see my brother?" Y/n asked as he pulled his clothes on "I'll be fine" Shadow said as he put his hands in his pockets "you sure? you can come with if you want" Y/n said as he turned around "I'll be fine" Shadow sighed as he walked out the room, Y/n sighed and followed as Shadow walked to the doors "you want to get some food and a toy before I go?" Y/n asked "sure" Shadow shrugged before he took off with Y/n following.

Shadow and Y/n landed in a tree a bit later, Shadow put the human he was carrying down and watched as they clung to the tree in fear "you've been toying with him for the last twenty minutes, don't you want to head back?" Y/n asked "its fun" Shadow said as he shook the tree a bit watching as the man screamed and held onto the tree tighter, Y/n smiled "come on, I have to be home before twelve" Y/n said as he jumped out the tree, Shadow sighed and jumped out grabbing the guys leg and pulling him from the tree before following after Y/n, they landed a bit later and Shadow dropped the guy before landing on his back as he tried to crawl away "you want to play with him outside?" Y/n asked as he looked over to see Shadow bending the mans wrist back little by little before it snapped and the man screamed making Shadow smile "this one's fun" he said as he stood up and grabbed the mans leg dragging him in "make him last" Y/n said as he picked his bag off the table "I'll be back in two days, be good and try not to get hurt" Y/n said as Shadow kicked the man down the stairs and watched as he rolled to the bottom with a few grunts of pain before he looked over at Y/n with his head tilted a bit "try not to hurt ben or Mikko" Y/n said before he kissed Shadow then opened a portal "no promises" Shadow said as he watched the man try and crawl up the stairs "have fun, text me once your done" Y/n said as he kissed Shadows neck then walked through the portal, Shadow crouched down and jumped into the rafters watching as the man stood up at the top of the stairs, he jumped down landing on the man making him groan "what do you want?!" the man cried out, Shadow tilted his head a bit and used his claws to cut the mans tendons at the back of his foot making him scream as tears ran down his face, ben walked out his room "oh, that's what the noise is. you playing with this one?" ben asked as he leaned on the wall watching as Shadow moved off the guy and stayed crouched down close to him, he nodded and poked the man a few times trying to get him to move "right, keep it quiet, Mikko is sleeping" he said before he walked back to his room, Shadow moved away a bit before he growled and dragged the man to the basement making him scream as he was dragged backwards.

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