21 | till death do us part

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It is killing Minho to see Jisung like this, on the floor and bleeding and way too far away from Minho at that. He knew Jinyoung was evil, yet never thought he would be horrible enough to stab Jisung in front of Minho's eyes, make him watch the approaching death of his lover.

"Ah, well... this was very much avoidable now was it?", Jinyoung sighs, kicks slightly against the body on the ground, a quiet, pained groan leaving Jisung in response. "I mean, this is all your fault after all, Minho. Had you not disobeyed me and just stayed in this tower instead like I told you to, your little boyfriend would not be dying right now either. But aren't we lucky, considering no one will miss a thief of all people anyway. We did the kingdom a favor, if anything at all.", he continues, seemingly unaffected by the silence from Minho, the death glare the young man is giving him. It is most certainly the scariest, most murderous expression that Minho has ever shown and all the old man can do is to laugh once he sets eyes on it. "Ahh what a nice expression. This might be the first time in all of the last twenty five years that you actually look like you could be a son of mine."

His expression never softens, stays just as threatening and dark when the cloth Bbokkie has been extra frantically picking on for the past minute finally falls to the ground, makes it possible for Minho to speak up, regain his ability to at least verbally defend himself, Jisung or literally anything or anyone else it is worth fighting for.

"Never in my life will there be a time in which I am going to accept being around you with no complaints. I will keep running, will keep escaping, will keep finding ways to get away from you. Try what you want, Jinyoung, but I will never stop fighting for my freedom, my birthright as a man of this kingdom.", Minho tells him, gulps at the weak whimpers from Jisung, the condescending laughter form the man who raised him. "But if you let me heal him, save his life, hold him in my arms for a few seconds just to say goodbye, feel him close to me just one last time, it is all I am asking for in return for my surrendering."

"Hngno-", Jisung tries, watery, weakened eyes looking at Minho, getting the older to give him a pained smile, meant to tell him it would be fine, meant to calm him down. "No, no..."

"I will come with you, stay by your side and fulfill my purpose until you decide that it is time for me to leave you completely. You decide when and if I'll ever be free and in return, I will live on knowing that I could at least save the love of my life, the man who holds my heart, my soul and all of my dreams. I will leave it all behind with him. I am only asking you for this one favor in return."

Jisung's tears fall in silence, make it through thanks to his weakened state and he cannot even look at the other man, does not even want to try, move unnecessarily if all he has ever needed, all he will ever need, is Minho. He came here to save him, make it all better. Yet here he is now, having caused this very situation, the official surrendering of Minho's, the inevitable and permanent loss of him, them, everything either of them had deserved instead of this outcome right now.

"What is the catch?", the old man asks, still very much sceptical about trusting Minho, as if there had ever been any reason not to believe the man absolutely everything. Jisung would. He would always believe Minho absolutely everything. That is how sincere Minho is. How real, how perfect. Too perfect to have to live like this forever, as a prisoner. "That is all you want? The worthless life of a thief and a proper goodbye? You're too easy, Minho. Far too weak to have ever even had a chance out there, had I actually ever let you go.", he continues, Minho still staying stubborn, determined. "Alright, then. Do your healing, say your goodbyes and then we will leave him right here and go far away from this useless kingdom. Do not try anything or you know what will happen."

Minho nods at the warning, stays quiet though while Jinyoung unties him, then proceeds to step aside, waiting in a corner of the room with good sight on the scene, able to watch and interfere if needed. Not that Minho lets himself be distracted or deterred in any way though. He moves as soon as he can, hurries closer towards the middle of the room into the direction of the window where Jisung is still lying on the ground, bleeding out in silence.

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