ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 1

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"I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book"

- J.K Rowling

Chapter 1

Sirius Black was known by most people as charming, confident, loud, brave, and fearless (duh he was a Gryffindor) but yet there he was, cowering in the corner of St.Mungos, terrified for his life, as his lovely wife cursed him in three different languages.

You might be wondering, why on earth was Sirius Black acting like a coward?

Well you see, he got his dear wife pregnant.


And this is what Lily, James, Aquila, and Remus walked into when they entered St. Mungos.

"Sirius what on earth are you doing? Stop hiding like a child, act like a man, and go be with your wife!" Lily exclaimed.

Sirius gulped and ran straight into the delivery room.

James, Remus, and Aquila snorted at this.

Lily was for the most part, a calm person but boy was she terrifying when you made her mad.

"You'd think that Sirius would be used to this by now after having three boys already" James chuckled,

"Hey I don't remember you not acting exactly like that when lily was in labour"
Aquila retorted, defending her cousin.

Remus, ever the peace keeper of the group, sensing a storm between the two quickly changed the topic.

"Hey Lily, shouldn't you still be resting at home? It's only been a week since harry was born"

"That's what I said," James grumbled.

Both women rolled their eyes.

"Relax James, she's not a fragile little doll" Aquila rolled her eyes.

"Anyways who do you think the kid will be? boy or girl? I think it's going to be a boy" asked James

"Boy" Remus and Aquila said in unison

"What about you Lily flower?"

"I think it's going to be a girl"

"A girl? Aquila asked, surprised. No offence Lils but that's highly doubtful, I mean the first three kids were boys so the baby will probably be a girl since boys are more common in the Black famille".

"We'll see," Lily said as she smiled mysteriously.

A Little While Later

"Come on Padfoot let us in! I wanna see my new god son or daughter" James said as bounced into the room

"Oi Potter who said you were going to be the kids godparent? " Aquila asked

"Well isn't it obvious?"


"I'm going to be the kids' favourite marauder, therefore I will be the godparent."

" Yeah but I'm going to be the kids' favourite Aunt, therefore I will be the godparent."

Suddenly a soft voice spoke up.

"Bold of you to assume that either of you will be the godparents of my child"

They all turned to see that Ariana had woken up.

Lily was the first to go hug her friend.

"Aria you're finally awake! How are you feeling?"

Ariana smiled at her friend.

"I'm feeling much better now, thanks for asking lily"

But James being James couldn't wait any longer

He had to meet his new niece or nephew.

"So, when do I get to meet my new god child?"

Sirius just chuckled and Aria smiled.

"Lily and James, meet your new Goddaughter, Lyra Lily Astra Black"

"Aww she's adorable!" Lily cooed.

"She looks just like you padfoot" James said proudly.

"Has she opened her eyes yet?" Aquila asked

"Not yet" Sirius answered

But right at that moment, Lyra opened her eyes.

Everyone was stunned.

Instead of having grey, black or even brown eyes, she had purple eyes.

Beautiful eyes that were a mesmerising shade of purple that reminded one of an amethyst crystal.

Her lovely violet eyes shimmered like Zinnias that were freshly watered.

"Well," James said.

" I hate to say it but..." he continued

"She looks exactly like Aria now!

Everyone laughed

"She really does look like Ariana" Remus said quietly, not wanting to wake the baby up.

"It's true though, she does look like she has that mischievous glint in her eye just like Sirius does when he's about to play another prank " Aquila agreed.

Lily smiled.

"Now Harry can have a playmate!"

Ariana laughed.

"You're right, I only hope that she and harry can get along, because all I can say is that if she's a complete mix of me and Sirius, then merlin help him because he's going to need it."

Sirius smiled as he hugged his wife and his baby girl. 

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