ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 6

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𝔄𝔲𝔤𝔲𝔰𝔱 7𝔱𝔥, 1991

It was raining hard, and Lyra was quietly sitting alone by the window, gently stroking her black pet cat Shadow, as she stared out the window.

She sighed and turned around, playing with her magic as Shadow toyed around with her stuffed rat, eyeing it viciously with his stormy grey eyes as she levitated it, making it float in the air.

She was getting quite good at controlling it now and could move any small objects towards or away from her, especially helpful when playing pranks on Adrian, she smirked as she remembered when she and Sophia had pranked him by sending 'flying' spiders that chased him to the pond.

And not to mention being able to control her metamorphagus abilities were much more easier to control now, thanks to Mrs Pucey (or Selena rather, as Mrs Pucey insisted that she call her) who was a healer and worked at St Mungo's, who knew exactly what happened to Lyra.

It seemed that someone had placed a spell on Lyra as a baby to suppress it, and on her 9th birthday, the spell went away by itself, just as the person who cast the spell intended. Regardless, Lyra could control them now, thanks to Selena's rigorous help and training, and Lyra would forever be grateful to her for it.

She missed them immensely right now. They had been in France for the past three weeks to visit Selena's sick mother, and wouldn't return for another week.

She got up and walked to her desk, taking out an unopened letter from Sophia she had gotten earlier that day. As she opened the letter, she nearly dropped it as the letter screamed out Sophia's voice (literally)


Lyra was so startled, that she fell backwards on her bed in shock. She should have expected something like this from Soph.

She sighed and picked up the letter, hoping no one had heard anything.

My Dear Best Friend,  Lyra The Lyre,

Happy birthday!

I wish I could have been with you today, It would have been much more fun to wake you up like this instead of reading it! Or maybe I could have just honked a horn in your ear instead....

Anyway, Mum and Adrian send their birthday wishes to you, and they hope you like their gifts. (You better like my gift better) And that they're sorry that they can't come with you to Diagon Ally.

By the way, did you get your letter yet? I got mine last week! And even if you don't get it, I'll just smuggle you in my trunk, so don't worry about that.

Oh, and guess what? Me, Mum, my grand mum, and Adrian went to an old museum, for Wizards and Witches! And there was an old coffin, My gran and I tried locking him in, but Mum caught us.

The museum was amazing, and I kept on remembering my little history nerd best friend.
Don't worry, I took pictures for you, and lots of chocolate for you, Merlin knows how obsessed you are with it.

Well, I guess I'll see you at the station then. We all send our love.

Don't let the muggles put you down!

Love, Sophia

Lyra laughed for the first time in days. Merlin, Sophia wrote just as she talked. Adrian always complained about how much she would chatter at home. She really missed the siblings bickering. It was always like a live comedy show, whenever they argued, she thought and chuckled as she folded the letter carefully, tucking it away inside her book.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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