ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 2

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August 7, 1981

"Sirius we're going to be late if you don't stop styling your hair" Aria called from the stairs.

"Perfection takes time aria"

"Well if you take your sweet time, we're going to be late for your own daughter's birthday party"

There was silence for a moment. 



One-year-old Lyra was confused. Did her father forget he had 4 kids inside the house, including the birthday girl?
Ariana sighed as her husband dashed to the fireplace and was about to floo before she called out
"Sirius, aren't you forgetting something?" she called out.


She gave him a deadpan look.

"Ohhh right the kids, right, BOYS COME DOWN WE'RE LEAVING'
5 year old Atlas, 4 year old Leo, and 3 year old Apollo came running down the stairs.

We want to go to uncle prong's house! We want to go to uncle prong's house!
Ariana laughed, "Okay you guys, all of you step into the fire and say 'Godric's Hollow' okay?
"Okay mum!" the three boys chirped.

Sirius swung lyra up, "Come ly-ly let's go before aunt flower gets mad at us for being late."

At Godric's Hollow

"Hey Padfoot, me and Lily were wondering when you were coming" James said as he greeted them.

"Sorry James and Lily, we got held up because someone took forever to do his hair" Aria said pointedly.

"Only Sirius would take that long to do his hair" Lily chuckled.

" Well, where's the birthday girl? James asked.

"Right here" Ariana replied as she passed Lyra to him.

Uncwle pons! Au Fower!
"Hey Lyrie, Happy birthday!"
"Happy birthday Lyra," Lily said as she kissed her goddaughter's forehead.

"Is Peter coming tonight?" Sirius asked

"No, not to night, said his mum was feeling sick again" Lily said

"Poor Peter, that's too bad, anyways when are Remus, Aquila, and Viola coming?" Aria asked.

"We're in the kitchen!" Aquila called.

"Hey Remus, 'Quila" Sirius greeted them cooly as they walked into the kitchen.

"Hello Sirius" Remus greeted in the same tone with a slight frown etched on his face.

James looked back and forth worriedly between his best friends.

Aquila, sensing the tension, spoke up, "How about you guys take Lyra into the living room and keep an eye on the boys and Viola" She suggested.

"Sure" James shrugged as picked up Lyra and left.

Once they left Lily, Ariana, and Aquila immediately turned to each other.
"It's getting worse" Lily said
"What is?, the war or the pie currently getting burnt in your oven?"
Lily quickly turned around and took out the pie quickly before it actually burnt.
"You know what Lily means Aquila, Remus and Sirius" Aria chided.

"I know, I was hoping you meant something else honestly" Aquila sighed.

"No offence you two, but both of your husbands are getting quite ridiculous" Lily said bluntly

"Believe me we know," Aquila said exasperatedly, as she massaged her head.

"But I can't believe they're doubting each other though, they've been best friends for what, the past ten years now?" Lily asked.
"11 years I think" replied Aria. "But honestly right now with the war going on it is not the time to doubt each other. Especially since all the rumors of a spy being among us"

"Let's just hope that they figure everything out soon" Lily sighed.

"They will don't worry. They always do" Aquila said confidently, but on the inside, she was nervous. She had never seen Remus and Sirius fight like this before. And like lily had said. She hoped that they figured everything out before worse comes to worse,
 someone actually betrays them.

The three friends sat together quietly, pondering over what they just talked about, hoping that the future would play out in their favour.

But little did they know, all their worst nightmares would end up coming true.

And it was all going to be because of the person they least expected to betray them.

The slimy, stinking, rodent otherwise known as Peter Pettigrew.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝕯𝖆𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕺𝖋 𝕭𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖐Where stories live. Discover now