ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 5

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𝔄𝔲𝔤𝔲𝔰𝔱 7𝔱𝔥, 1989

Adrian Pucey was walking home from the village market. His mother had sent him to purchase some potion ingredients from the old lady who owned the local bookstore, who was a witch who used the bookstore as a cover for her potions business.

He was tired and hungry from shopping and judging from the angry-looking clouds above him, it would probably start raining soon, so he took a shortcut through the forest behind Ms. Olivia's Orphanage. Presently, thunder was heard booming across the sky, and Adrian figured he better hurry up before he got the potion ingredients wet. He definitely did not want to face his mother's wrath if she found out the potion ingredients were wet.

He shivered, Merlin, his mother was scary when she was mad.

As he hurried along a worn path, he could have sworn he heard a young child crying.
Running faster as rain drops started pouring, he ran quickly and nearly stumbled over a... little girl?

Adrian just stared at the girl in front of him. She was sobbing hysterically, and an oversized black hood covered her hair and face.

'Are you okay?' He asked cautiously as he tried to look at the girl's face, (or at least he assumed she was a girl).

'Go away!' The little girl choked out as she moved farther back.

Adrian walked slowly towards her, 'Hey, I won't hurt you, I just want to see if you're okay'

Adrian nearly fell backwards as the girl shifted her hood.

The girl's hair and eyes were changing every second to every single colour possible.

'I-uh-you, are you a witch?' He blurted out foolishly.

The girl's eyes turned red, 'Don't call me that' she snarled and Adrian took a step back.

'Wait, I'm a witch too, look,' He said hurriedly as he showed the little girl his palm, and a flame of fire suddenly burst and danced merrily across his palm.

The girl stopped crying and raised an eyebrow, 'You're a witch?'

Adrian turned red as he realized his mistake, 'I meant that I'm a wizard, definitely not a witch' he clarified.

'So you're like me then?' She asked hesitantly

Adrian smiled, 'I am'


Adrian sat down inside a nearby cave as thunder rumbled and lightning flashed. He would have to wait until the storm ended.

He gestured to the log he was sitting on and motioned to the girl to sit beside him.

The two sat by a fire Adrian made and warmed themselves up before

'Let me introduce myself first, I'm Adrian Pucey, I'm 11, and I live near Greenwich Village '

The girl smiled at him, 'I'm Lyra Stone, I'm 9, and I live at Ms. Olivia's Orphanage'

'It's nice to meet you Lyra, I'm pretty sure you have a lot of questions, so would you like me to explain everything to you, or do you want to ask questions instead?

'Could you explain everything to me?'

'Of course' Adrian smiled.

Adrian explained everything. He told her about magic, wizards and witches, he told her how people who had no magic were called muggles, and how children with muggle parents and had magic were called muggle-borns. Then he told her about Hogwarts. About the castle, professors, potions, charms, and of course, the food, and not to mention the houses. He explained the reason why her hair and eyes were changing colours was because she was a metamorphagus. Lyra was enamoured by his description of it and eagerly soaked all the information of everything he told her.

By the time he was finished explaining everything to her, she was more relaxed, and her eyes and hair shifted back to normal.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝕯𝖆𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕺𝖋 𝕭𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖐Where stories live. Discover now