Part - 23

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Jennie:- 😳 Such blind trust in your lovely husband....😏

Sun-ye :- So you also get mouth to speak back....well it's not you're mistake you're living with smut it's effect starting on you ..
She laughed on me..

Jennie :- Maybe you are right darling....but did you ask Minsoo why did he give box of dress to yn .?

Sun-ye:- My Minsoo never acts in that way. I put my trust in him. This smut is making an attempt to flirt.
She started to slap me again, but Jennie stopped her.

Jennie :- Baby , calm down...calm down...*while singing*
1.) You are husband give her dress to wear..
2.) You are lovely-dovely husband forced her to wear this revealing dress....
3.) You are a lovely -- dovely husband, touching her waste and dragging her into the hall...why...?
4.) You are a lovely dovely husband who pulls yn panties, touches her back, and begins to beat her.
You have such a wonderful and sweet husband... Did not you feel proud of him 😉..?

Sun-ye heads straight to the kitchen to grab some red chili powder and salt.
She enters your room once again.

She keeps a gun in yn head. Jennie could not save her...

Jennie :- please leave her...she is you are unnie ..* sobbing*

Sun-ye :- If you want to save her life then be quite and never let increase voice infront of me ...
She come towards my direction...she tied my hand with robe....I have no energy to fight with her...let her do what she what ...she open my knot of dress...she can able to see my back..
What is trying to do ...?? I don't know she applied some Powder on my butt where minsoo give him belts mark but it's which burning sensation like of hell ..

Sun-ye :- Don't cry my dear yniee ... I just used powder on your wound, which made it worse since my Minsoo touched you. I am cleaning his touch off of you.

Yn:- Please 🥺 Sun-Ye leave me... it is already hurting and burning..
*Crying*Jennie begged Sun-ye to leave her, but she ignored her work...
After Sun-ye finished with her, she left the room. Jennie, take off your clothes and remove the powder from my back...

Jennie:- This is a mixture of salt and red chili powder, does she do this... In fact, it is not your error.
It is harmful to your skin, so go take a bath now.

Yn:- I have no energy to move right now... "low volume."

Jennie cleaned me properly; the pain is so intense that I cannot describe it. Jennie helped me get dressed and put cream on my butt, which made me feel better.I snooze.....

At Minsoo room ...

Sun-ye:- "How can you do that?"

Minsoo :- What did I do, baby?

Sun-ye:- You gave that freaking dress to yn.

Minsoo :- "Yes, because the man who came to our house melted when he saw the female boby. I know he wanted to see yn in that dress, and he told me he would be a partner in our business."

Sun-ye :- "So why did you see her ass and touch her?"
Sun-ye grabs the collar of Minsoo shirt.
And slapped him.
Minsoo can see her anger...

Minsoo:- So you want to feel it, too...

Sun-ye :- Return my company and property to me.

He is taking drugs in front of Sun-ye, Minsoo smirked.
With his belt in hand, Minsoo began striking Sun-ye you.

Minsoo :- Well, yn is at least a lot better than you.I made a huge mistake by coming into a relationship with you stupid.
kicking her.

Sun-ye:- You made the mistake of accepting me 🥺 because of you I did not pay attention to my mother and instead concentrated all of my attention on you, baby. However, you claimed that you and your father share the same blood..
Maybe In your family has a tradition of having sex with many girls.
You are freaking family! even Learn to respect girls or to love them.

Minsoo :- "You are useless to me now. Yn Give me more benefits that you." I will get eighty dollars a week because of her attractive body.
He was biting the Sun-ye...he is now fucking her in hours and biting her again...
Minsoo lost all mental clarity and was only interested in drugs and money.
Even he did not go to the company... as a result, he lost the company...

The Next Day Of My Hell..

I watched Jennie come over for breakfast with her; she ate half and gave me the other half.
Yn :- "You eat the dumplings; I do not want to."
She refused and began to feed me.
She likes Rose and Jimin, which cared me a lot...
I truly missed them...I do not even know if they ate or not...all because of me...I began to cry when jimin and rose appeared in front of my eyes with their week face...

Jennie :- Hey shorty... do not worry, Evey thinks everything will be fine.
She put her hand on my back.

Yn :- "I am afraid to go to work...and it is in a club."

Jennie :- "Do not go there; head straight to Mr. Park's house."

Yn:- No...I do not want to cause trouble for you, Jimin, and Rose.

Jennie :- "Yn, I did not care about myself...but Jimin and Rose."

Yn:- I cared about you.
I will do all my work with a smile 😀, so do not worry.....

Jennie:- Wear something covered...and avoid not let them touch...
She hugged me.
You know that after being raped, I already feel like I have died and have become less emotional because of you. Now that I am smiling, save yourself for you are kook.
I do not want you to suffer in the same way that I did...

Yn:- I will do what you said, boss.
Now allow me to freshen up.
She nodded...I looked in the mirror and saw that belt marks covered my entire body.I noticed my thigh and recalled the way that man touched me.I despise did I become like this...I cried and walked out of the bathroom...

I came downstairs...When I said goodbye to Jennie, she wished me luck and thanked me for her prayer.I saw Minsoo.I bow to him...

Minsoo:- Recall that Jennie, Jimin, and Rose's lives are in your hands. Try not to run away and follow his instructions.

Yn:- "Yes, sir."
I did not get to see Mrs. Min or Sun-ye today...

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