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Mia's Pov: 

"Hiya honey! What can I get for you?" The old man beams at me from behind the counter, his eyes gleaming with a mix of curiosity and something more unsettling. He's flanked by rows of cigarettes, vapes, and bags of chips, his hat casting a shadow over his eyes. I flinch as his gaze lingers on the lacey edges of my tank top.

"Just looking around," I mumble, my voice barely audible. He nods absentmindedly and returns to flipping through his Playboy magazines. I drift towards the back fridges, glancing up at the security cameras. One of them slowly pans away from the register.

Five seconds. That's all I have to snatch what I can from the register and maybe disable him. I tiptoe, peering over the shelves, and spot the man now engrossed in a phone call, his eyes darting around the store.

I sprint. In a flash, I knock the phone out of his hand, twist his arms behind his back, and clamp my other hand over his mouth, stifling his cries. He struggles for breath, his eyes wide with panic.

Footsteps echo from the entrance. Someone's coming in. Can't they see I'm in the middle of something?

Sure, here's a more detailed and intensified version of your chapter:

I pinch his nose, clamping his mouth shut for a few more agonizing seconds. His eyes widen in panic, then slowly, inevitably, they begin to close. His body goes limp, and I gently lower him to the floor. Taking his hat, I pull it low over my face and stand up swiftly, forcing a smile as a couple of customers walk in.

"What can I get for you?" I ask, my voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through me. I glance out the window, spotting a Volkswagen parked next to Adriano's car—the one I stole. My heart races.

A man steps forward, tossing a bag of chips onto the counter with a casual flick of his wrist. I meet his gaze, trying to stay calm.

"Just this," he says, his tone smooth yet unsettling. A chill runs up my spine. The hat obscures my vision, so I tilt it up slightly, squinting at the register.

"Uh," I mutter, fumbling with the buttons. Chips. Chips. Chips. I finally locate the right entry, but something about the man makes me look up again.

Tattoos coil around his chest, peeking from beneath his shirt, intricate and dark. I raise the hat higher, and our eyes lock. His eyebrows knit together in confusion, or perhaps recognition. His brown skin glows under the store's dim light, and the rings on his fingers catch my attention. They shimmer brighter than the streetlights outside, especially the one on his right hand's middle finger.

An emerald, glinting like a small, green fire. A wave of familiarity washes over me, almost knocking me off balance. I know that ring, but from where?

For five excruciating seconds, we stare at each other, neither of us moving. Then, breaking the tension, he drops a twenty-dollar bill on the counter. His eyes stay locked on mine until he turns to leave, his gaze dropping to the floor as he walks out.

I stuff the twenty into my pocket, my fingers trembling. The sense of déjà vu lingers, unsettling and persistent, as I shake off the strange encounter and glance back at the unconscious man on the floor. Time to move.

Twinkies. I need Twinkies. My eyes dart around the store, frantically shoving a week's worth of snacks and food into plastic bags. Each item feels like a lifeline. I spot a set of keys by the register and grab them with shaking hands, quickly unlocking the drawer. My fingers tremble as I stuff wads of cash into every pocket I can find.

Without a backward glance, I bolt outside, adrenaline propelling me forward. The car unlocks with a satisfying beep, and I hurl the bags into the backseat before jumping in. The engine roars to life, and I tear out of the parking lot, racing towards the highway.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11 ⏰

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