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Doctor: "missy were here i wish you the best luck i hope to see you again"

Missy: "doctor promise me this"

Doctor: "yes"

Missy: "get better travel with someone else find someone i know who can be when you still alone to long i know i have bean there"

Doctor: "i plan on it i can hear the phone ringing so i will be gone soon so bye missy"

Missy: "bye doctor"

As they part ways the doctor steps into the tardis and start to fly away

Missy: "bye

The doctor picks up the phone

Doctor: "yes who is it"

Aurora: "doctor i think i'm ready for are next trips i think i'm gonna stay longer this time"

Doctor: "i'll be there soon"

Aurora sees the tardis in her room

Doctor: "hello shall we"

Aurora: "yes let's go"

Doctor: " maybe we could go to the buildings of the pyramids

Aurora: "sure let's go"

Doctor: "ok off we go"

Aurora: "doctor do you have room i could put my things in"

Doctor: "ya to your left then down the hall then first room of your right

Aurora: "thanks"

Few minutes pass

Aurora: "ok im ready"

Doctor: "(i'm not gay right? Like i can't be)"

Aurora: "you coming"

Doctor: "ya lets go"

They start to head out of the tardis and head towards the pyramids

Aurora: "what if we find aliens"

Doctor: "then we do and we will stop them simple"

Aurora: "hmm 'simple' ok"

They start to walk near the bass of the pyramids

Aurora: "so is it true that it was made by aliens or is that a myth"

Doctor: "look up"

Aurora starts to look up

Aurora: "oh"

Doctor: "ya the egyptians were lears beyond your technology well mostly cause of me and me giving them the blueprints to a lever but that beside the point"

Aurora: "ok"

?: "excuse me your not meant to be here"

The doctor starts to walk over to the person and pull out a wallet and flick it open

Doctor: "names the doctor i'm here with my helper to check up on the progress

?: "oh i'm sorry i didn't recognize you from the back hey doctor don't tell me you forgot me"

Doctor: "now how can i forget you Osiris"

Osiris: "hey doctor long time no see"

Aurora: "um who is Osiris"

Doctor: " A fellow time traveler who sadly got stuck in egypt"

Osiris: "yup not a bad place to get stuck byt come on doctor let me travel with you"

Doctor: "never going to happen my ship to modern for your primitive race"

Osiris: "hey my race is only 200 year behind yours"

The doctor looks at Osiris

Doctor: "you race hasn't even gotten into atom rearrangement

Aurora: "wait were more avast then his"

Doctor: "i wasn't done your race hasn't gotten atom rearrangement into the triple digit elements like oregizom"

Aurora: "oh"

Osiris: "shut up"

Doctor: "do you mind taking me and aurora around the place it's bean a good 100 years i forgotten most of it"

Osiris: "of course"

?: "Sir let me kill the doctor"

The one who waits: "soon soon we will strike"

Doctor who: The man who cant stop runningWhere stories live. Discover now