A Modern Knight & Water level

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Doctor: "But..But..How?"

Aurora: "Timy Wimy things we have a bigger problem right now"

Rose: "this isn't my home"

Aurora: we might have bent the rules a little"

Rose: "ok.."

Toy maker: "right so this is called the middle point time and pace don't real work hear that's why up looks down the future looks like the past"

Doctor 2: "the perfect spot to hide from someone who controls time and space"


Rose: "is that a knight"

Toy maker: "right thats Justus"

Justus: "Hello amicis"

Rose: "shouldn't the tardis translate this?"

Toy maker: "this place bends the rules even with the tardis"

Doctor: "fun"

Rose: (Jokingly)"So your a knight from what security 2024 or something?"

Justus: "no im from the 789AD why do you ask"

Doctor 2 : "so your like 1000 plus years old"

Justus: "ya"

Doctor: "how did you live so long then?"

Toy maker: "that would be cause of this"

The toy maker walks over to a glass container with a right in side it

Aurora: "its called the One Ring"

Doctor: "or the Ruling Ring, Master-ring, Great Ring, the One, Ring of Rings, Ring of Power, Ring of Doom, Isildur's Bane, the Burden, Precious Ive heard of it"

The Second doctor, Rose, Toy maker, and Aurora look at the doctor with wtf faces

Justus: "wow you might know more then me doctor"

Rose: "so this little thing let you live this long?"

Justus: "yup"

Doctor 2: So what can it do them hm"

Doctor: "invisibility"

Justus: "Near immortality"

Doctor: "and control over the user by the one who waits"

Justus: "that last part is just a legend tho"

Doctor 2: "We need a plan to stop Auealiane"

Doctor: "right lets do this"

They all sit around a table as they talk about what they should do while Arora looks at the ring not realy caring what they are talking about

Justus: "it changes to fit the holder"

Aurora: "realy?"

Justus: "yup here"

Justus shives there long swords and pulls off the glass container Aurora takes the ring and it expands to fit her and she puts the ring on as her skin seams to get younger and she becomes invisible

Justus: "oh ya just think of not being invisible"

Arora slowly turns back into being visible

Arora: "thats realy cool"

Arora takes off the ring

Justus: "keep it"

Arora: "hm"

Justus: "ya keep it i dont need it"

Arora: "realy"

Justus: "ya i'm done being immortal or nearly"

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