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August 4th 2037, Villa Evenburg, near Berlin

"Do you think she will like it?" Wille smiled at his best friend "I am sure she will" "But what If she won't" Alexandra asked doubtfully. "Keep it cool. It is going to be okay" Wille took her Hands in his while trying to cool her down. He knew Lexi well enough to have already expected a reaction like this. "Babes, you look beautiful," Isabella smiled. Simon nodded in agreement. "You got this. We believe in you!" Lexi smiled at her best friends. "Thanks guys. I really wouldn't know what to do without y'all." "Come on now, Let's get you to your date."

August 4th, 2037, The Barn Roastery, Berlin

Charlotte wrung her hands nervously. What if Lexi didn't show up? Her worries turned out to be unfounded when Lexi entered the otherwise empty café (Alex had booked the whole Kafe just for the two of them) a little later, accompanied by several bodyguards. "Hello," Charlotte bowed. "Oh no, you don't have to bow to me" Alexandra tried not to make the situation even more awkward but I didn't really work. "Have you already ordered?" Lexi asked while making herself comfortable. "No, I wanted to wait for you," Charlotte smiled. The other one nodded understanding, before waving at the waiter. 

"So.. how is it being the future Empress of the most powerful country?" Charlotte tried to ease the situation. It seemed to work, as Alexandra started to giggle a bit. "Well, it is ok I guess... I mean I don't really know anything else." Charlotte nodded in agreement. For a long time, she hadn't known anything else either. But then when she was in her late teenage years, Her best friend at the time, had taken her to a concert. They both had worn wigs and glasses, making them almost unrecognizable. That evening was, without a doubt, one of Charlotte's favorite experiences. Not only did she have lots of fun, but she was able to be herself, without having to fear that the next day, there would be a huge scandal in the press. "I know what you mean. I feel like that with a lot of things, we are just so used to it. For example, having the press follow our every step. Imagine how it must be for people who were not born royal" "I agree, but I am also longing for a bit of freedom some days. Sometimes, I just want to go out with my friends, shopping or to the movies, without having people taking pictures of me or asking me for autographs" Alex rolled her eyes. 

 "Are you enjoying your stay?" the older one asked "Yes, it is nice here. You guys have some of the most beautiful architecture I have ever seen" Lexi smiled while taking a sip from her cafe au lait. The silence this time wasn't as uncomfortable as last time. "Tell me a little more about yourself" "There isn't really much to talk about" Charlotte's nervousness was back "Don't say that, I am sure there are some things you like to do. Or tell me what you don't like to do?" "Okay... so I like picnics and I have the biggest crush on Adelaide Kane" Alexandra chuckled a little bit "That is reasonable. She is a really pretty woman." Alexandra paused, "Since your celebrity Crush is a woman, am I right in my assumption that you are a lesbian?" Charlotte nodded hesitatingly. She didn't know what came into her when she told a woman she didn't really know one of her biggest secrets but for some reason, she felt really comfortable around Alex.

"Have you been to Germany before?" Alex tried her best to keep the conversation going. "No, never. My Parents visited a few times, my brothers too" "Why didn't you?" "Well, mostly because I was occupied with my studies" "What did you study" Interested, Alexandra leaned forward "Business and Marketing" "Really? OMG that is so cool! I would have loved to study something cool like you did, but my parents wanted me do study History and Diplomatic relations. I mean it is not bad or so but I mean History? For real?" Charlotte chuckled. "I am sure your Parents had the right intentions," Alex shrugged. "Maybe, Maybe not. Why did you study Business and Marketing?" Charlotte had to think for a second "I don't really know. At first I really wanted to study Diplomatic relations too, but my brother wanted to study that first , so I settled for something else" Alexandra felt sad for Charlotte, but the other woman just smiled bravely, giving her best not to look hurt. "What are you going to do with a degree like that?" Alex Asked curiously "Nothing really. As soon as my brother becomes king, I will become Princess Royal. I will be going to the military and afterwards I will have to represent the Royal Court. That means there will be even more eyes on me than there are already." She sighed. " But I am also kinda glad I will never be as much the focus of the public as you" Alex laughed amused. She too felt a surprising amount of comfort around Charlotte.

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