Dinner at Buckingham Palace

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July 16th 2037

Charlotte always liked this type of event. She loved speaking to other people. When she was young she always wanted to become a diplomat or an ambassador of any kind, because she believed that she could change some people's lives if she spoke the right way to the right people. When she was young, her parents had always encouraged her to find her own way, just like her uncle had. But now as an Adult she realized that she would never be able to do what she wanted. No matter what she had to follow the protocol and God forbid she did anything to catch the eye of the paparazzi because that place was reserved for someone else. Her brother. Because he was the future king. And Charlotte, she was just the spare. Charlotte knew that her parents loved her but now matter how much they told her, she never was the first one in their mind. She would always be third, after George ,the future King and after Louis, the baby of the family. Of Course Charlotte didn't blame her siblings, she loved them and she knew that a lot of children had it much worse but still. She was the glass child and she knew it.

A tap on Charlotte's shoulder made her turn around. It was Crown Princess Nicoletta of Spain. A smile lit up Charlotte's face as she saw her friend, the both of them hadn't seen each other for a while now. "I didn't expect you here" Charlotte hugged her Friend. "I didn't think I would be here either but when Mom said she received an Invitation, I offered to go instead of her. I really wanted to see you again. And..." "And what.." Nicoletta just smiled and grabbed Charlotte by her shoulders to turn her in a different direction. "I still don't understand" Charlotte was confused, she didn't see anyone special or anything that was out of place. Nicoletta sighed "Look at the Girl who is talking to your Brother'' Charlotte needed a second to find George, but once she did she immediately understood why Nicoletta attended this dinner. There next to her brother, in a beautiful long red gown, her hair put up in a complicated looking bun stood she, The Crown Princess of Prussia. Charlotte was confused, how didn't she notice her! "Now you hopefully understand why i am here" Nicoletta grinned "Oh, I definitely do"Charlotte couldn't stop staring at the beautiful girl "How come you didn't know she would be here tonight?" Charlotte shrugged "I really don't know, maybe it is because know one ever tells me anything anymore since George promised Mom and Dad he would accept the Throne and wouldn't vanish like Uncle Harry did" Nicoletta felt sorry for her friend. She couldn't imagine how it felt like to always be left out. But she knew that her Aunt and her Brother both often felt the same thing "Do you think George has a chance with her?" Nicoletta laughed at this question. Charlotte looked at her confused "Why are you laughing?" "Firstly, they wouldn't be allowed to be together anyway, since both of them are first in the line of succession, which means one of them would have to abdicate and secondly, You didn't know?" "Know what?" Charlotte frowned. Nicolettae grinned, "The princess is a lesbian" "For Real? How did you know" "Carlos is her younger brother's best friend. They once caught her on a date with her now Ex-Girlfriend" "Damn" Nicoletta nodded "It is crazy isn't it, especially when you think about how almost every single straight boy on this planet as a crush on her'' now it was Charlotte's turn to smirk "Including my brother" "Strange how you two have such a similar taste in woman" Estelle giggled "Shut up!" Charlotte stared at Nicoletta. The Spanish Princess just laughed and shrugged her shoulders.

27th july 2037

Even days after the dinner, Charlotte just couldn't stop thinking about the Crown Princess of Prussia. Charlotte didn't really know her. Mainly because the Prussian Royal Family usually kept to themselves especially around the British royal Family since The Empress of Prussia didn't really like Charlotte's Grandfather King Charles and even after his death five years ago, The Prussians and her Family just didn't reconcile, but also because Charlotte wasn't allowed to attend a lot of meetings between Royals, since George confirmed he would succeed his father, meaning she just never really crossed paths with the prussians. There it was again this nagging feeling that she didn't matter, because she was only the spare and even if George would abdicate the Throne, they still had Luis!

Charlotte sighed, she probably should stop thinking about that and continue with cleaning her room. She was about to do exactly that as her phone started buzzing, showing the timer she had set had ended. She glanced over at her Vanity, where she had put the phone. Confused, she put down the top she had just started folding, when she saw the clock. It was already time for dinner. How was it already so late? She grabbed the phone before making her way to the dining Room, where her whole family already sat at their designated places. Today was just a normal day which meant that the family ate at the smaller dining room at Buckingham Palace.

Catherine smiled at Charlotte when she saw her. "Hello Darling, sit down, the food is already ready to be served" Charlotte did as she was told to. The moment she sat, The Food was brought into the room. Bangers and Mash. Charlotte rolled her eyes. She hated Bangers and Mash, but her brothers, especially Louis really liked it, so they had it for dinner once in a while. "Charlotte darling" The young Princess looked up from her plate. Her Mother smiled at her. "I just wanted to remind you that we will be flying to Berlin on the 31st" "What? Why? " Charlotte was confused, but she could already imagine what happened. Her parents forgot to tell her. Again. "I think you forgot to tell me." she murmured. Catherine frowned. "I am sorry darling, there was just so much going on lately" Charlotte smiled at her Mother, trying to convince the Queen that it was fine, even though it was obviously not. "It's fine, just tell me now" Catherine exchanged glances with her Husband, before looking back at her only daughter "As you may now Crown Princess Alexandra will be celebrating her twenty fourth birthday on the 2nd of August and since we are currently trying to repair the relationship between Great Britain and Prussia, the Empress has decided to invite us. There will be a formal dinner on the 2nd and the next Day there will also be a party for the younger guests. Afterwards we will be staying in Berlin for two more days, but you and Louis are free to do whatever you want on these days, since me, your Father and George will be on Royal duty." And there it was again, this feeling, that she didn't matter. Charlotte didn't know how to feel about this visit at all. On on hand she was excited to meet with other Royals and especially to see princess Alexandra again, but on the other hand, she really didn't know what to do in her spare time especially because she was sure that Nicoletta wouldn't attend the Party, since she had a minor surgery the das before and she didn't really know the other Royals her age, so Charlotte didn't really have someone to spend time with. For a moment she glanced at Louis wondering if she could spend time with him, but this thought vanished almost immediately from her mind, because she already knew that her brother would spend time with either Gabriel of Sweden who was one of Louis best friends or his Crush Gabriele of Monaco. "I am sure you will have lots of fun in Berlin" Catherine pulled Charlotte out of her thoughts. "Yeah, sure" Charlotte gave her mother a short, forced smile before returning her concentration back to whatever filled up her plate. Before Charlotte knew, everyone except for her had finished their plate and was staring at her. She awkwardly pushed her plate away. "I'm not really hungry" Again Catherine and William exchanged looks but they decided they would just let it slide. "Okay, you three may leave the table now" William smiled at his children. "Goodnight" Charlotte didn't look back as she left for her room.

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