Chapter 4

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05th of September, Lieser Castle

As time progressed, Charly opened up more and more to Lexi. The two had started a routine of calling each other at least twice a day, mostly in the morning and in the evening and texting in between those calls. Although this routine worked well for both of them, since there was only one hour of difference between Prussia and England, Alex wished for more. Unaware that Charly had already made plans about how she could go to Prussia without raising questions, Alex had made a plan herself. 

"You are really desperate to have her with you, aren't you?" Isa giggled. The girls sat on Alex's bed watching criminal minds. Or at least that was the plan. It didn't really work out, as Isa had started throwing questions at Alex, the minute they sat down. Alex mumbled indistinctly. "What did you just say?" "Nothing," Alex smiled innocently. From Alex's other side came a little giggle. "Let her be," Simon grinned. "It is funny seeing Alex simping over Charlotte." Isabella chuckled a little bit too, while Alex just pouted. "Can you please control your boyfriend?" She turned to Wille. He just smiled.

6th of September, Buckingham Palace, dining room

Saying Charly was nervous would be an understatement. She rubbed her finger knuckles at each other, the skin already getting red and hot. "Charlotte Darling" all the attention immediately shifted to Charly. Charlotte's hand, holding her fork, stopped immediately and she turned to her Mother. "Yes, Mother?" "Your Father and I wanted to ask you something" Glances were exchanged between the family members. Catherine and William rarely directed their attention to Charlotte nowadays, when it wasn't something directly involving George. "Now that you've completed your basic studies at university, we were wondering what you will do now. I mean you won't be having an official position at court until George becomes King." A long and uncomfortable silence ensued at the table. "What your mother is trying to say is that we want you to further your career. And we think it would be good if you do so by going back to university" Cathrine nodded in agreement. Charlotte sat still, lacking words to express her emotions. "Oh" was the only thing she was able to mutter. Her Mother, noticing her discomfort, tried to save the Moment. "We are not trying to get rid of you darling. Don't think of something like that! We only want the best for you, believe me!" Charlotte tried her best to smile at her Parents. "It's Fine.I actually thought of furthering my career too." She did. But definitely not like that. Catherine sighed relieved. That went better than anticipated. 

6th of September, Buckingham Palace, Charlotte's Room

Charlotte snuggled herself into the pile of pillows and blankets clutching onto her Golden Retriever puppy Aspen. The pup licked the tears of her face, and although some might say it is disgusting to have a dog's tongue in her face, Charly desperately needed the emotional support it gave her. 

She flinched, when she felt the Vibrations of her phone's ringtone. "Yes, Charlotte speaking"

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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