Chapter 6: The Lady Doth Protest Too Much

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Sky was walking through the halls of the kingdom as he read some of Robert Frost's poetry. He came across the garden, looked to see if anyone was there and when he saw nobody he walked in, shut the doors, locked them and pulled out a piece of paper and looked around once more and silently read for a minute. He then sat the paper down and pulled out his phone and played music. It was a beautiful instrumental. He started to spin with pointed toes and he got faster and faster as the music progressed and he lifted one of his legs and jumped and started to dance in the style of ballet. Sky didn't realize it but there was a girl that was his age in the room as he started to jump multiple times with outstretched legs. He looked like a professional. It was his secret, but soon it wouldn't be any longer. The boy spun and spun and then saw the girl and fell on his butt. He quickly stood back up.

"Who the hell are you?!" Sky shouted as he picked his phone up and stopped the music and the girl laughed.

" My name is Summer Fader your Majesty." The girl replied as her red curls bounced and her blue eyes met with Sky's.

"I'm Ash. Ash Merrow."Sky said.

" Oh, so you go by Ash now?"Summer asked.

"It's not official, but I truly prefer it. You won't tell anyone I was dancing will you?" Ash answered and Summer blushed.

"You were so good though. Why are you hiding it?" Summer questioned and Ash didn't know how to answer her.

"Do you know how my brother would treat me if he ever found out about me being a ballet dancer?" Ash asked.

"You're quite phenomenal. Where did you learn how to dance like that?" The girl wondered and Ash smiled and blushed.

"I saw it on TV and I taught myself. I worked as hard as I could until it was exactly like the videos and that's when I learned how to." Ash answered and the girls mouth dropped.

"You're truly incredible, and your secrets safe with me. So Ash, what are you doing tomorrow?" Summer had the intensions of spending a lot of time with Ash because she had fallen in love with him right on the spot.

"Nothing. How about I meet you here tomorrow at 10?" Ash hoped she would say yes but he didn't need to hear her answer. Her face showed that she wanted to hang out with him.

"It's a date." The girl said and she flew off. Ash stood there blushing for a good hour. There was a bang on the door. Ash snapped out of it and he walked over and unlocked it to find his older brother with Ivy. West raised one eyebrow.

"Do I even want to know what you were doing in here?" West asked.

"Nothing, just trying to get some peace and quiet." Ash replied and then he walked off.

That night as Ash and his family were eating Ash couldn't help but think about Summer.

"SKY!!!" Ash heard his mother shout, and he snapped out of it.

"I actually prefer to be called Ash now." Sky corrected her.

" Aright, but you didn't answer my question. What did you do today?" Elesia asked.

" Oh, well, I didn't do much, and there was definitely nothing new and exciting." Ash lied and West saw strait through it.

"Oh bull shit! You're dating a girl! I would know a guy who has the illness of awestruck stuttering from a mile away." West said. Everyone was listening now.

"How do you know?!" Ash shouted in disbelief.

"Oh come on! Who is she?!" West wanted to know so badly. Ash was kind of backed into a corner here. Everyone was looking at him.

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