Chapter 4

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It took me 2 weeks to find information on the team of dogs. I went to Lithuania and looked around the campus and coffee shop. I stayed there for 1 week trying to gain information but all I got were how good looking the new professors were and how good the coffee was. I was so frustrated about the hole thing, I was there for a week. A WEEK and thats all I got.

On my last night there before moving on to Russia. I hacked into the British Military to see if there was anything about the dogs. At first I didn't find anything of interest but on of the documents I saw that the British Military was keeping a close eye on Carney Family. A known family with ties to the Irish Mob. Recently there was marriage between the Carney Family and the Furey Family a rich and powerful family in Ireland.

The marriage wasn't that intriguing but upon closer look the couple that got married was 16 year Freya Furey and 76 year old Timothy Clark. A marriage of a young girl and old man was not only very controversial but rumor has it that the young girl was forced into it. She was an illegitimate child of Cillian Furey and the family had some debt to be paid and she was the collateral. Pictures of the marriage showed the bride in a vile the whole ceremony along side her ''husband''. Pictures of the guests shown ranged from British/Irish Celebrities to Wealthy and Elite Families. I quickly skimmed over most of the footage and pictures until I spotted one familiar face in a white mask. Volto.

But why? Why would he be there? I dug deeper into the files and nothing else was uncovered but the fact that I have him there on this date means I can follow him. I looked at where it was being held and watched the security cam of the whole event and I watched as he walked in and who he stopped to talk too. Skipping through most of the footage until the reception, at one point him and Mr. Furey were talking about the most recent gift that Mr. Furey was giving Volto for the solution to this situation of his illegitimate child. A purchase of an old farmhouse on the country side of Ireland. That was suppose to be given to the new ''couple'' but instead was given to Volvo. Looking into this new information, I looked into the farmhouse and what's going on. Roughly 4 weeks ago multiple men have been seen Northern Ireland heavily guarding the old farmhouse. Picture of it shown was a old rusted barn and a shitty house falling apart. Why would they be guarding an old farmhouse, thats falling a part? Unless there was something in there to hide.

Instead of going to Russia, I was going to Ireland instead. Needing to find out what was going on in that barn. I sent out a crypt message to Dr. Roberts to keep an eye on the young girl in the new marriage and continued on my mission to find the dogs.


I met Alma on my first day in Ireland. I walked into her pub and notice they were looking for a temporary bartender in the town of the farmhouse. I got hired right away and told them I was temporarily here to take care of a ill family member. Ciara, one of Alma's employees has all the gossip and talks about the man in a white mask that covers half of his faces recently took over the old abandoned farm house in the country side. That the farmhouse is heavily guarded and multiple of men are walking around. Told me about how one of the gentlemen Greg, that works at the farmhouse, comes into the pub every night looking for a fun night. That he gives off weird vibes and his comments on women are disgusting. He always talks about how hard it is to beat dogs into submission. He also has asked multiple of them to come give ''the dogs a show'' in the farmhouse, saying he knows they'll enjoy it. Many of the women get bad vibes from him and are disgusted he even suggests to put on a show for a groups of dogs.

The moment that Ciara tells Sang...a pack of dogs, white face, abandoned farmhouse, she knew she found the team of dogs instantly.

I worked as a bartender and started watching out for them man and any other gossip from other customers. While I worked throughout the night I watched and explored throughout the day. Using my new life to my advantage. I explored close to the warehouse and set up cameras around so I can view the rotating shifts between guards. I saw the man Greg and he looks like a fucking scum bag.

2 weeks in I went out and bought a dingy looking car. I parked it near the west part of the farmhouse. It will be my escape plan after I hall in all 14 dogs. The car could only really hold like 9ish people but 5 more needs to fit in. I'm sure I can stuff them in if needed to be. I made sure I got a house and a plane to a foreign country. Far away from Ireland, we can't go to SC because of the issues in the Academy.

I waited for a month for that damn man to walk into the bar. A fucking month.

Finally one month later the sleazy man walked through the pub. I was happy I wore my short pink skirt with a nice tight black long sleeve top with big chunky black heeled boots. I had let my hair flow down behind my back. With a touch of makeup and a small bag. He sat down with a huff and yelled for a beer, I strutted over with the nicest smile and coldest beer.

''Here you go sir'' I slid over the beer and looked him in the eyes. He looked me up and down and with a grin.

''Well, I've never seen you around here before''

''Well I just stared working here about 3 weeks ago and I've never seen you around here before either''

''Yeah, I've been working to much these days and couldn't come in for a nice cold beer.''

''Now, why's that? '' I question.

''A couple of weeks ago we got a group of dogs and its been hard to beat them into submission. They just don't seem to listen. No matter what I do. They just won't break.'' He exclaimed loudly with a huff.

''A group of dogs?'' He nodded and gulped all the beer in his mug and asked from another round. Quickly turning around and getting another glass of beer. I heard him mumbled under his breath what a fine piece of ass I got. I grinned, seeing an opportunity.

I turned around and gave him my best smile around. ''Well if you like my ass so much, maybe me and you should have a night of fun.''

His whole face lit up. ''When do you get off tonight?''


''Well than I'll wait for you and I'll take a few more beers. I have just the place for us and it give them dogs a nice show.''

''Ok coming right up with more beers and I can't wait for tonight. It's been a while and I'm excited.''

The rest of the night, I sent him flirty glances, suggestive comments, and hand gestures. It was effecting him to a tea and I was through the moon about it. Right before my shift ended I walked into the back and slipped on more knives in my boots and slid a small hand gun in too. I called the small airport where my plane was and made sure they got it ready for travel. Tonight was my opportunity to capture a group of dogs.

I walked out with my bag, and he was standing right at the door. His face was gleaming with delight. He grabbed my hand and lead me to a old car and kissed me. YUCK, he smelled like rotten eggs and his breath was god awful. We got in the car, and he drove right to the old warehouse. 

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