Chapter 8

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Sang look all around the room. After each boy swore to never repeat what she is going to say, Sang took a deep breath.

''My name is Sang Sorenson. I've been in the Academy since I was 16. I have had a team, and I never will have one.''

''Sang'' Repeating over and over again in their heads. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl, each man thought. All the men where happy to finally know her name but now they had more questions. How was she a solo? Only highly skilled individuals were honored with that status. Majority of the time they were some old ass dogs. So how the hell did this little girl become a solo? They all questioned.

Sang looked out the window, she was nervous. She tightly clasped her hand together before looking back at the Dog Team. They were staring at her, all of them giving her their full attention.

''The reason I'm a because.... I'm a ghost.'' Sang rushed out the words.

Dead silence and shocked faces spread across all the room.

''WHAT THE FUCK!'' Gabriel shouted. He was in complete and utter shock. A ghost. He's only ever heard of ghosts as a myth. There was supposed to be only a select few and one was sitting in front of him.

Mr.Blackbourne was in shock, a ghost! A ghost bird? She was a ghost bird. A ghost bird was rare, it meant she didn't exist at all. No birth certification, no social security. Basically, no identity. She was untraceable, she could go anywhere and nowhere. A small grin formed on his lips. This bird was unimaginable, she saved them all on her own. Mr. Blackbourne was impressed.

A ghost was a rare sight to see. Only a few existed in the Academy. Sean was shocked to say the least. He's only met one ghost. One of his first patients was a ghost. Dr. Robert's made him swore NEVER talk about him even to his brothers. So, seeing another was rare and he was in more shock, that it was fine young women in front of him. His heart hurt a little because he knew she must have a rough past. Being a ghost always came with a difficult past.

To say Axel was shocked is an understatement. His mind was blown. This girl in front of him was a ghost. She saved them and did it all on her own. He was shocked with her status of being a ghost, but he had more respect for her. She was an incredibly strong bird and applaud her for strength.

Kota couldn't believe what Sang said. A ghost? She was a solo ghost bird! A rare sight to see, he couldn't believe it. Counting under his breath he breathed in deeply before looking at his brothers. All lost in thought over the bird in front of them.

A gasp came out of Corey's mouth. He was in shock over the bird in front of him. She was a ghost, something that is honorable but upsetting at the same time. He's read plenty of stories and reports on ghosts. Almost all of them had horrible pasts. An ache formed in his chest, oh god what did this bird go through, to not have an identity.

Victor couldn't believe his eyes. A ghost. The status of a ghost was unattainable for the average Academy member... He knew like the rest of his brothers that meant she had no identity. No one to rely on. No one out in the world who knew who she really was.

A small smile formed on Ravens lips. A ghost. This Птичка(little bird) in front of him was extraordinary. He didn't really care that she was a ghost, a little bit shocked yes. But honestly, he just wanted to know more about her. She's peaked his interested. Maybe he thought grinning wider, just maybe he should get a fruit cup ready.

Nathan could believe his ears. This little girl not only saved 14 MEN from Volvo's secret hide out, but she did it all on her own. She did all her mission by herself with no help from anyone. He was in shock, but he was more impressed with her and how strong she was.

Marc was in awe over the girl in front of him. She was stronger than he'd originally gave her credit. Her being a ghost was shocking to say the least but the fact that she was, one was even more upsetting for him. More thoughts surrounded him about her. How is she a ghost? What kind of past did she have? His mind was blown but he now had more questions than answers.

Luke was in complete shock. A nervous laugh came out of him, he couldn't believe it. A ghost?!? She was a ghost bird! He heard Gabe shout but tuned out the rest, all he could see was the tiny blond girl sitting in front of him. She was nervously pushing her lip with her finger in her mouth. Luke closed his mouth and gave her small smile.

Out of everything that Sang could have said Brandon was never expecting that. She has absolutely no identity. No one to knew her. Brandon's heart hurt, thinking she must have had a hard life. No one knowing who she was really, always putting on a show. Pity was swarming in his chest but so was admiration. He was proud she was still here and standing.

His mouth hung open. A ghost! Silas was frozen, he couldn't believe it. This tiny Aggle saved him and his brothers all on her own. No team, no one to help her, no nothing. All by herself. Silas felt dread fill him, she must be lonely. No one knew who she really was. It bothered him.

This little girl in front of North was a ghost? North watched her with intense eyes. She was nervous to give this information out. She must not have a lot of people she could trust. Ever since she saved him and his brothers, he's been in awe of her. He wants her to trust him. He could care less that she was a ghost, but he was still in shock like the rest of his brothers.

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