Be Mine Tonight

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I ran my fingers through my damp hair. My hair was dark brown and was currently curling up on the end. I blew out a sigh and jumped on the bed. I was wearing cotton shorts and a white t-shirt.

It was Saturday, so it was boring as fuck. My brother was downstairs watching TV, and I was being a lonely loser upstairs. I closed my eyes exactly when the phone started to ring. I groaned and yelled at it to shut up.

It wouldn't.

I slid my finger across the brightly lit screen and answered it.

"Who are you and why are you calling me?" I answered.

"Perla, it's me."

"Who the fuck is me?"


"Oh. Okay, what's up?"

"Jesus Perla, are you coming to the party?"

"Meh, there's people. I despise people at the moment."


I pulled the phone away from my ear. She needs to see a therapist. Maybe I'll book one for her.

"All right. Just- I'll be there."

I hung up before she went bat shit crazy on me again. I walked to my light brown dresser and grabbed a pair of dark navy skinny jeans. I grabbed an aquamarine camisole that hung on one shoulder. My hair was already curling. I hated my hair sometimes. I grabbed my phone and keys.

Downstairs, my brother was watching 1,000 Ways To Die. I scrunched my nose. That show... Not pretty. I liked some episodes because people die in stupid ways, but others were too much.

"Oh God," I said when a head was chopped off.

"Please, it's nothing. I'm about to watch The Human Centipede 2."

"Your odd and disturbed." And at that I walked out. The sky was cloudless and the sun was setting. The sky was a color between orange and pink.

I got into my car and drove to the address Maggie sent me.


When I arrived, there was people everywhere. In the patio, the front lawn, everywhere.


I went to the backyard and found Maggie talking to my other friend, Danette.

"Perla!" Maggie exclaimed when she saw me.

"Hi," I replied.

"Cruz is looking for you," she announced. My stomach dropped. Cruz was my friend, but sometimes he could be a little too much. Not to mention that I liked him since elementary school. I don't know, my feelings are confusing for that dude.

"He's with Leo."

I froze. I like Leo a little bit. Just a little. I face-palmed. Why did I come?

"Okay," I replied turning around. I walked to the beverage section, grabbing a Coke. I walked to the side of the house and froze.

Cruz was making out with some girl. I closed my eyes. A pang of jealously hit me. Why was he looking for me. I opened my eyes in time to see him bite her neck. No, that's too much. I turned, but not fast enough. I saw blood trail down her neck to her collarbone.


Cruz looked at me.

I ran.

"Perla!" Maggie yelled after me. I continued running. What the hell did I just see?


I saw blood.

That was for sure. I got in the car and sat there, motionless.

Someone tapped the window. I looked and saw him.


His dark eyes stared into mine. He was pretty tall. He wore a blue shirt and he crossed his arms.

"Open the door." It was a demand.

"No. Your gonna kill me!" I screeched.

"I won't. I-"

I stomped on the gas petal.

I drove away as fast as I could. I was down the street when the passenger door decided to open. I screamed, and Cruz was sitting next to me.

"How the hell-" I began.

"You saw nothing." He looked intently into my eyes. His were a chocolate brown, with some carmel and.... Did I just compare his eyes to chocolate? I mentally face palmed.

"Stop staring at me."

"I- what?"

"You. Your staring at me. Stop it."

"Your not- compelled?"

I slapped him. Only because I remembered the blood. That was- freaky. And scary. So I get scared easily, boo hoo. Sue me.

"Perla, what are you? I mean, do you have some... Some exotic perfume or something?"

I slapped him again. My hand had a mind of it's own.

"Stop it," I said.


"Oh, Why did she bleed?"

He sucked in a breath. His eyes hardened and turned stony.


Someone interrupted him. Seriously, he gets interrupted alot.

"Way for keeping our secret." I looked out the window. Leo stood there, arms crossed.

What the fuck is going on?



For you Tames!!!! :D

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