chapter 5:@

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I screamed and covered my mouth. Maggies' neck was purple and her eyes were glazed over. My heart was beating fast, and I nearly fainted.

Cruz ran into the bathroom.

"What?" He asked.

Then he saw Maggie. He walked over to her, and laid her on the ground.

"Is she... Is she dead?" I asked

He shook his head. "No. She's alive... Barley. But alive."

He picked her up, and walked to the door. After a moment, I followed.

He grabbed my wrist and ran to the backdoor. Once outside, he set Maggie on the ground and turned to look at me.

"Wait here. I'm going to go around and get my car."

I bent down to sit up Maggie. I put her hair behind her ears.

"Who did this to you?" I asked softly.

Her eyes fluttered. She coughed and groaned.


But she didn't finish. Her eyes shut. At first, I thought she was dead. But her heart was still beating, and her breathing was shallow, but still breathing.

Cruz came back with his car a few moments later. He jumped out and laid Maggie across the backseat. I sat in the front, not wanting to disturb Maggie.

"Is she gonna... Gonna Turn?" My voice was below a whisper, but I knew he heard me.

He shook his head. "No, I don't think so. But you can never be sure with these things."

I turned to look at Maggie. She looked both at peace and pain.

I hope it's peace.




We arrived at my house twelve minutes later. Cruz kept assuring me that Maggie was okay.

Once inside, I saw my brother still sleeping on the couch.

"What did you do to him?" I asked.

"Tylenol and compulsion. Works all the time. Not supposed to wake up until you say awaken."

I nodded and looked back at Maggie.

"Are you gonna Turn her?"

"Not unless you want me to," he said.


He nodded and bit his wrist.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm healing her. My blood will heal her faster."

He lowered his wrist to level it with her mouth. He pressed his wrist against her mouth. She opened slightly, allowing the blood to flow into her mouth. He pulled away. The cuts and bruises around her neck were fading away. Before anything could be said, the front door flew open. Leo came inside. Danette was standing on the doorstep.

"Why can't she come in?" I asked.

Leo glanced at her. "She has to be invited."

"Oh. Wait, how did you get in?"

Cruz smiled. "Your brother let us in."

I frowned at his direction, even though he was unconscious. I walked to Maggie and helped her sit up. The color returned to her skin.

"Are you okay, Maggie?" I asked.

She laughed. "Yes. My head hurts, though."

I looked at Cruz and Leo. And I forgot about Danette.

"Oh! Come in."

She put a foot into the door and walked in.

"Do you know who did this to you?" Asked Cruz.

"No. Not anymore." Maggie looked thoughtful. Amazing how the vampire blood worked. Does it cure cancer?

"What a pity. Here I thought she died," said a voice behind us.

A girl was standing, holding my brother by his arm. I looked back to where he was sleeping. Not there anymore. The girl had black hair and dark eyes. Her hair flowed down to her shoulders in waves. She wore black pants with white high heeled shoes. She had on a white blouse that had a few ruffles on the neckline.

"Samantha," Cruz whispered.

She looked at him. "Hello Ex."

She dropped my brother and walked towards Danette.

"A newborn, a mortal, and two vampires all under the same roof. A reported wolf attack and someone reported seeing a zombie. What the fuck is going on here?" Samantha asked.

We all looked at each other.

"How did you get my brother to listen to you?" I asked.

"This is Samantha Vega. A vampire for over 700 years." Leo had a steady voice.

"And Inquisitor for the vampire race," she added.

Cruz nodded. "That too."

"Not only that, but vampire hunters are on they're way here. This is the most activity in one area in 350 years."

"Well," Leo said, "this just shows that Cruz and I have got it going on."


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