chapter 20:>

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(Cruz's pov)

I followed after the two mutts and Perla.

Why did Daniel go after her? I growled and shook that thought away. The only thing that mattered was her.

And a mutt has her!

Samantha and Leo came running by me.

"There's more wolves. They seem to have their own pack. The others stayed behind to fight them," Leo said.

Samantha laughed. "I'm ready to kick some puppy ass."

I saw Daniels wolf. A little ahead of him was Perla and some other wolf. But the wolf holding Perla wasn't fully Shifted. Just enough the the speed ability.

Kill her, something said in my mind. The same something that has been saying that for the past week.

A week. That's all there's been. A week since I saw Perla at the party. Since we found out she was a Raiser.

I yelled and jumped on the mutt. He screamed and dropped Perla.

Samantha grabbed a wolf that appeared out of nowhere. Leo grabbed the mutt while I punched him. I punched him again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again.

Blood streamed down his nose and his lips were cut and swollen.

"Cruz, stop." Leo's voice was faraway. But I couldn't stop.

I had no control. In my head, I heard a women laugh.

So I punched the mutt again, and it cracked his neck. His body went limp, but he was alive. Barley. His heartbeat was slow, but he was going to die. I turned and placed my hands on my knees.

"Cruz!" Leo yelled. I turned just in time to see Perla stab a sharp piece of wood through it's body. Everyone was still.

Perla pulled the stick out of him and crumpled to the ground. The body fell down next to her.

"I killed someone," she whispered.




(Maggie po and v)

I slipped in and out of consciousness. My vision was always blurry everytime I opened my aching eyes. I saw nothing except a different fucking galaxy of stars and swirls. I tried speaking, but my throat was dry, and I sounded like a dying frog. My voice was hoarse.

Pain radiated all over my body.

Finally, I gained the strength to lift my neck.

Perlas mother laid crumpled a couple of feet away from me. At first, I thought she was dead. But her stomach was rising and falling; indicating that she was breathing. Duh.

I sat up and took in my surroundings.

The place was dark, but I was able to make out some objects.

A bed was pushed against the wall next to me. On the foot of the bed, there was a chest. A door was straight ahead to my right. The floor was cement and freezing cold. Like the floor in garages. I squinted in the darkness. I found Mrs. Tames. But where was Danette?

I blinked and let my head fall back on the floor.

They were going to kill me. I knew it.

I was going to be killed. And this time, there won't be vampire blood to save my ass.

Because they don't know where I am.


Someone shoot me. Long chapters are just not my forte. Damn it! Why I can no write long chapters?????

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