Meeting of Rooms 2 & 5

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*Out in the gardens, Naegi and Charlie stood outside, letting the breeze blow*

Charlie (Relaxed): Ah yes, this is nice. You don't get many sights like this in Hell. *That caught Naegi's attention*

Makoto (Shocked): Wait, Hell?! You didn't mention you were in Hell! *Charlie laughs a little and explains*

Charlie: Oh! Right, sorry. Yes, I'm kinda....Sorta....The Princess of Hell? You might know my Dad? Lucifer? *Naegi gives a face of panic, but Charlie quickly explains* BUUUT, we're not like all of the books you've read. The truth is [Insert narration of the plot of Hazbin Hotel, since I have no words on how to describe it] and So, I started my hotel to stop the extermination from Heaven! *Naegi sat down on the window, trying to process it all*

Makoto (Sympathetic): I-I didn't know Charlie. I'm sorry. *Charlie pats his head*

Charlie (Kind): Hey, don't worry about it! No one does at first... *As they smile, They hear another voice*

Sonic: if there's one thing I've learned, it's that you can never trust everything you hear. *They look over, and see The blue hedgehog, with the guitar Medallion [Yeah, it's sonic Underground Sonic, I ain't got no shame]* Sorry, couldn't help but overhear. The name's Sonic. Sonic Hedgehog. *Charlie, excited to make more friends, quickly shakes his hand*

Charlie: Hi Sonic, I'm Charlie.

Makoto: and I'm Makoto Naegi, but Makoto is fine.

Sonic: Pleasure to meet ya both! I heard some music from another room earlier, and I HAD to jam along!

Charlie: Oh! Yeah, that was us. You play music?

Sonic (Proud): Yeah, my sibs and I are in a band! *Summons his guitar from his medallion, as Cyan and Sato walk over*

Charlie: Cyan, Sato, meet Sonic. I think he's gonna play for us! Sonic, that over there's Cyan and Sato, they're the ones that were playing earlier.

Sonic: nice to meet you both!

Naegi: He's apparently also in a band! *Cyan got real excited*

Cyan: Really?!

Sonic: Yep! With my brother and sister! [The song is not mine, but I do Love it!]

*The others applaud Sonic for the performance*

Cyan (Amazed): That was incredible Sonic! *Sonic takes a bow. As Cyan pulls out her guitar* I guess it's my turn! [Again, not my song, but whatever!]

*Once again, everyone Applauds. Mafuyu pulls out his guitar, as Rin, Goh and Madoka walk over*

Rin: Sonic, what's going on over here?

Sonic (Hyped): Guys, come over here! Meet Charlie, Naegi, Cyan and Sato, they're also staying here at this manor! These are my roommates; Rin, Goh and Madoka. *The three bow in respect*

Goh: Nice to meet you guys.

Charlie (Happy): You too! We were just listening to Sonic and Cyan play their music, and now it's Sato's turn! If you guys want to hear! *They nod*

Rin: that sounds great, thanks! *They all sit down, and Sato begins to play* [I own no video]

*Everyone applauds as Sato bows*

Sato (Embarrassed): Thanks.... *Rin smiled, loving to hear music*

Sonic: Rin, you should sing too! *Rin nods as she stands* [I own no video]

*Everyone swayed along to Rin's song and enjoyed the moment*

Naegi: I'm not musically inclined, but I will admit, that was awesome!!!

Madoka (Comforting): You don't have to know music to like it. And you're right: that was Cool! *They all begin making small talk, when the voice rang again*

???: All residents of the manor, report to the welcome hall, please and thank you! Once again, All residents of the manor, report to the welcome hall, please and thank you! *They all sat there, thinking*

Goh: do you think the welcome hall..... is the hall we were in when we walked in?

Naegi: well it was definitely A welcome hall. Let's go...

Sonic: this voice kinda owes us answers. *They all nod and stand up, heading towards the hall with the others in the building*

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