To Be Loved

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"What does Her Majesty love more than anything in the world?" Lady Danbury asked the table of Bridgertons and the ones who married them. They had been in heated discussion over what to do about Lady Whistledown for what seemed like hours. When no one answered her, Lady Danbury pounded her cane on the floor, startling nearly everyone to attention. "More than her husband, more than her country or the crown," she continued. "The Queen loves to know things. She seeks the power that it holds, which you can understand is why she is so hellbent on uncovering London's most enthralling gossip sheet," she said, nodding in recognition at Penelope.

"And how do you suggest that we go about it then? Allow Miss Penelope to waltz into the Queen's palace and announce her second identity while expecting no repercussions?" Anthony asked impatiently, Kate idly stroking his forearm so that he did not loose his temper, as he was known to do.

"Of course not, you daft child," Lady Danbury scoffed. Everyone in the room snickered at Anthony, the fierce Viscount, being scolded by the Dowager Countess. "Scandal," Danbury continued with an amused smirk. "The biggest scandal that the season has ever seen." Everyone turned to Penelope and stared at her expectantly. "What luck that we have someone who knows all of the Ton's deepest, darkest secrets."

Penelope swallowed thickly, sinking into her fiance's side. She did have several ruinous truths that she had collected during her time in the shadows. She just never imagined that she might find herself in a situation where she would have to use them. 

"Are you alright, darling?" Colin asked Penelope when everyone dispersed for a well needed break, leaving the two of them alone.

She melted into his arms, finding comfort in his strong hold. "I am overwhelmed, that is certain," she confessed, hiding her face in his chest. She listened to his steady heartbeat which kept time with her own, then met his warm gaze. "But I feel loved, and as if I belong."

I built a house for love to grow. I was so young that it was hard to know. I'm as lost now as I was back then. Always make a mess of everything. It's about time that I face myself.

"Good," Colin said with a sigh, then smiled and leaned in for a sweet kiss.

"Gross! Must you do that here?" Eloise shouted, stumbling upon them in the open corridor.

Colin rolled his eyes and Penelope blushed bright red. "Perhaps if you left my wife and I alone, you wouldn't have to witness such things."

Eloise glared at him, tugging Penelope somewhat harshly to her side. "She was my friend first," she spat.

Colin tugged Penelope back gently. "And now she is my wife," he replied smugly.

"Not yet," Eloise growled, yanking her back.

"Children!" Violet gasped in horror at the scene. "Penelope is a lady, not a plaything. You mustn't fight over her," she scolded, taking Penelope's hands in hers. "Are you alright, dearest?" She asked with motherly concern, running her hands over Penelope's slightly sore arms. Penelope nodded wearily, then Violet's attention snapped to Colin and Eloise. "Do try to act like civilized humans for once," she pleaded before guiding the four of them back to the drawing room where they could continue their discussion. The remaining Bridgertons took their seats, excluding the two youngest. "Hyacinth and Gregory are headed off to bed," Violet announced.

Anthony hummed, swirling his glass of brandy in one hand and holding Kate's in the other. "Probably for the best. The less they know the better." He turned to Penelope who was sat like Switzerland between Colin and Eloise on the sofa. "Have you had a chance to come up with some ideas, Miss Penelope?"

"Can we not drop the familiarities yet, brother?" Colin all but whined. "Pen is to be my wife."

"But she is not yet," Anthony corrected, but nevertheless acquiesced. "Penelope, what are your thoughts on all of this? You have been rather quiet this evening."

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