Chapter 3: the new student

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(AN: Welcome back my smexi chinchillas! Sorry I haven't updated this story in so long q.q. But, I will try harder to keep up with this story! It's just that school is stressing me out and because it's so close to graduation I have a lot more outside work to finish up >.> BUT ENOUGH ABOUT MY BORING LIFE. ONWARD TO THE STORY :D PS. there's a pic of makoto on the side)

Chapter 3: The new student

The bus ride to school was normal like any other day. Complete with senseless banter from girls that obviously had nothing better to do and from jocks that only saw sports as a means of survival. However, being the quiet person that I was, I chose to sit by myself and enjoy the scenery that passed by.

Yep this was me every day, the kid that sat in the middle section of the bus and stared absent mindedly out the window. What a lonely sad sack right? WRONG! I enjoyed the peace and serenity that my bus brought me as I travelled on it to school each day. But, this tranquility would be short-lived once I reached the boring hell hole I liked to call my snooty private school. Sure it provided a top notch education that was revered throughout Japan, but that still didn't change how boring it was day in and day out. Today I didn't expect anything different.

Looking away from the window and up at the drivers windshield, I noticed the school gate come into clear view and open up to let the bus through. Before reaching the main campus the bus traveled up a marble paved drive way that stretched through a green and neatly kept field. Within the field you could see bushes of various sizes cut into intricate designs of topiary and orchards of trees brimming with succulent fruit, ripe enough for the picking. Well, at least the outside of the school wasn't so bad.

Standing in between two grand great oak trees, the vision of the school was before us. A good couple stories high with hundreds of windows that reflected the sun's rays, and porcelain steps that led up to a thick black door was the building of Shintaro Prep.

As the bus comes to a complete stop in front of the building I visibly sigh and roll my eyes. "Well all good things must come to an end at one point." I whisper to myself and get ready for what was soon to come.

Being the last to hop off the bus, I look up at what was soon to be my 10 hour prison, complete with gourmet prepared meals, state of the art computer and science labs, and boring teachers that only sought to make your life a living hell. It just couldn't get any better than this could it? Hope your noting the sarcasm by the way.

Walking up the steps and through the grand, black doors, it didn't take long before I had something small and light jump onto my chest and nearly knock me over. From the giggles and screaming I instantly knew who it was.

"Ayame," I sighed, as I pried her short, pouting form off me and placed her on the ground in front of me. "When will a simple hi from you ever be enough to hear?"

At that, she furrowed her eyes brows in a cute way and flipped her long black hair behind her back. "Oh please, you know you love my special greeting for you. Do you know how many guys would love to be in the position that you're in now?" She scoffed and placed her hands on her hips. Nothing could change how adorable she looked with her big brown eyes, long black hair, petite physique and elfin-like facial features. If any guy wanted to have her they'd have to go through me first. Ayame had been my best friend and neighbor since middle school. We'd been through so many adventures; I think I would go insane counting them all. She was my hope within this school and I was hers.

Mimicking her little performance I tossed my head back and laughed, which earned me a menacing glare that had the potency to kill. "Chill out my feisty little imp," I said as I linked her and my arm together and began to walk to our lockers. "You know I love you and your 5'0 self. I was only joking." Punching my shoulder with her free hand, she dislodged herself from me and skipped up to her locker.

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