Chapter Fifteen

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Much like the start of the race, the archery contest was going to be held at the fairgrounds, with the final duel immediately afterwards. But this time, Carmen and I had a good night's sleep because things were looking up. Plus, Sterling actually came to meet Frivadelth, and was just as amazed by her as everyone else. We had a nice conversation, and while he didn't hold out hope that my parents would forgive me, he did. It was nice to get an apology for how things had gone back home, and he got the seal of approval for being decent about everything from my new family. Even Frivadelth felt like she wouldn't need to eat him. High praise indeed.

Sterling even stayed at the inn with us, no longer trusting the security of the castle. Ellis was already on a ship sailing for home, just grateful to be alive, while Armel's body was on the way home as well. Carmen and I were just grateful that we'd been riding a mount that the supposed bandits couldn't have expected, and so had been lucky enough to make it past them unscathed.

"Do you really think that you can take Tybalt?" Sterling asked the next morning as we enjoyed our breakfast. "I assume you'd beat me in the archery event, even if I hadn't been injured yesterday. I was never great at it."

"I don't know," I admitted. "But I do know he won't be crowned the archduke. Frivadelth wouldn't like anyone hurting me, so she might eat him if he wins."

Sterling smiled sadly. "Be that as it may, I wouldn't like to see my little sister killed by that scum. No matter what happens, I'd like to be a part of your life again."

I reached over, gripping his forearm. "I'd like that too. I don't know what the future holds, but I'd like you to stick around too."

"You're welcome to visit the Living Forest," Imogen told him. "That is where we normally live."

"Is that where Frivadelth came from?" he wondered. "I still can't believe I saw you riding that beast!" He had a grin on his face, and I could tell he was happy with things now.

"It is. She saved me, and I saved her." I would have to wait until there was more time to explain the full story.

"And then you saved me!" piped up Carmen.

"Right, then we saved you." Honestly, that day changed my life so much for the better. Imogen, Alba and Jana were like the three moms I'd never had, but Carmen had become my best friend, and Frivadelth was simply too good for words. It was hard to explain how it felt to have a creature that could swallow me whole while not even pausing to take a breath be my friend. She really did seem to consider me her mom though, so maybe I should be calling her daughter!

When the flourish of trumpets came once more the next morning, we were ready for it. We'd had a better sleep, so we weren't rushing to get our food gobbled down, and instead just followed the crowd down to the fairgrounds. As expected, there was an archery range set up, with four targets for the four competitors. Something I didn't realize was that the archery would go in the reverse order of how the race finished, so Sterling would go first, then Tybalt, then me and finally Carmen as she finished just in front of me on Frivadelth's back. Tybalt was there early, already practicing, though for some reason was already in his armor. That certainly couldn't help his aim!

And I had a sudden idea.

As everyone was taking their practice shots, I stepped over to Carmen, and then bent down to whisper in her ear. "I never thought about this, but we might both be able to beat Tybalt. If so, then in the duel, I just need to prick your thumb for first blood, and it's over. Then there is no duel with Tybalt at all."

She looked at me excitedly. "Oh! I like that idea! Maybe that was why he wanted everyone to be hurt during the race, because he isn't good at this!"

"I know I've been dreading fighting him, because I'm sure he's excellent with a sword, but I can just imagine his reaction if two girls beat him. I doubt he knows that you've been learning how to use a bow while you were with us." Yes, our original plan was to have Carmen lose, so we didn't have to worry about her in a duel, but now that she was going last, we would know what we would need for us to both beat Tybalt.

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