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25th July
Mumbai, India

"Bhaiya! What if I had really been kidnapped?" Shivani raised an eyebrow as she tapped her foot impatiently.

"Then the police would've rushed to rescue the kidnappers from you," Shivaansh grinned cheekily before rushing forward, to wrap his arms around Shivani. He blinked furiously to stop his tears from falling as he placed a kiss on her forehead. His sister smiled before tightening her arms around him. Shivaansh leaned back and cupped her face, "You just had to do all this didn't you?"

Shivani grinned, "You didn't think you would be the only one in the family to pull off dramatic stunts, did you?"

He rolled his eyes, before wrapping her in a tight hug once more, and placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Bhaiya, don't touch my hair," Shivani grumbled, despite clearly basking in the attention.

"Bilkul aapne baap par gayi hain," Shivani and Shivaansh separated from the hug, turning to look at Aruna who had an arm wrapped around Kalyani who was crying.

"PD," Shivani sighed with mixed fondness and exasperation, "Are you crying again?"

"N-n-no," Kalyani sniffed, wiping away her tears hurriedly. "I'm not crying. Who said that?"

"We can see that," Dhruv chuckled. "Vani, where did you get the idea to pull off such a stunt?" He turned towards the baby of the family who had flopped down onto the couch and was grinning from ear to ear.

"Arre, Bhaiya's first film," Shivani chuckled. "Remember when the heroine's mother pretended to be kidnapped so that Bhaiya's character wouldn't marry Roshni Kashyap's?"

"Oh yeah," Dhruv nodded, before a frown creased his brows. "But how did you know that Bhaiya wouldn't worry and set lose the entire police force in Mumbai to search for you?"

"He's an actor," Shivani shrugged. "That too, in Bollywood. I would expect my brother to have picked up on what's real and what's not."

"Plus, Dad and Rudy Chachu installed extra security," Radhika spoke up. "Mom informed me that Bhavya Chachi had contacted some old colleagues who had sent their disciples to guard the terminals as well as the roads that connect Oberoi Mansion to the airport."

Shivani raised her shoulders with a pointed arch of her eyebrow. "See? No worries."

"No worries?!" Kalyani walked forward and twisted Shivani's ear. The young girl pouted. "Chup! You scared the living daylights out of me!"

Shivani giggled, "PD, stop worrying so much." She made the elderly woman sit down on the couch and hugged her tightly. "As long as you're all here," she extended a hand towards Radhika who sat on the other side and Dhruv who laid on his side behind the three of them. "Nothing will happen to me," Shivani smiled as Shivaansh stood in from of them all, an arm wrapped around Aruna.

"Aur waise bhi," Dhruv piped up from behind them. "Shivani Singh Oberoi hain hii terrifying." Shivani turned around, slapping the back of his head as Radhika followed suit. "Bhaiya! Dekha? Your lovely sweet angelic sisters are torturing me." Dhruv looked at Shivaansh who shrugged nonchalantly before sitting on the couch nearby.

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