five point five

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Twenty four years ago

Shivaay rubbed his thumb over his lips, as his mind fired a million neurones a minute. He was growing exhausted—— typing away on his laptop, all the while, as his family enjoyed some play time with his son.

His own son, who he hadn't been able to hold at all, since Annika had taken Shivaansh for an early morning walk, and returned to an excited crowd consisting of Gauri, Bhavya, Aruna, Omkara, Kalyani, Rudra and Priyanka—— all had been eager to shower their love on Shivaansh.

Grumbling, Shivaay shut the lid of his laptop harshly, leaning his head against the back of the couch, and looking up at the ceiling with an annoyed frown.

"Papa looks upset, doesn't he?" His neck snapped, to look at Annika who held a sleepy Shivaansh in her arms. Their son rested his head against her mother's chest, blinking sleepily at his mother.

"Hey," Shivaay's muscles relaxed, as the tenseness eased from his shoulders and forehead. He walked forward, placing a kiss on Shivaansh's head, before placing one chaste one on Annika's mouth.

"Shivaay!" His wife admonished, despite the wide stretch of her lips and twinkle in her eyes.

He shrugged, with a lopsided grin. "I've missed you two, all day."

"We've been here all day, Mr. Oberoi," Annika rolled her eyes, as she walked with Shivaansh towards the rocking sleeping cot that had been placed near the alcove.

Shivaansh yawned softly, placing a tiny hand over his mouth, before parting his lips and dozing off with little snores.

"He's polite even when yawning as a child," Shivaay grinned, proudly.

Annika shook her head in fond exasperation, "Of course, he is. He is your son."

Shivaay nodded, his lips stretching even further. "Anni," he nuzzled his face in the crook of her neck, mumbling against her skin. An arm wrapped around her waist, while the other traced her collarbone.

"Sh-Shivaay," she whispered, softly. "Yeh aap kya kar rahe hain?"

Shivaay smiled against her neck, nipping her skin with his teeth, which made her let out a startled yelp. The two stilled, glancing at a sleeping Shivaansh Singh Oberoi—— watching with bated breaths as they waited for the familiar sound of wailing.

A minute passed by in silence, and the two breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Anni," Shivaay placed a soft kiss on the reddened skin. "I have an idea."

"Business proposals aren't my area of expertise, Shivaay," Annika replied drily.

He couldn't help the amused chuckle that escaped his lips. "Ah, not a business proposal, love. I've had quite enough of those."

Annika turned around in his embrace, and the other arm wrapped around her back, as she wound both her arms around his neck.

"Oh?" She grinned, mumbling against his lips. "And what would that proposal be, Mr. Oberoi?"

"I was thinking," Shivaay cleared his throat, as Annika nodded with an amused arch of her eyebrow.

"I'm surprised you're capable of that," she grinned.

"Ha! Ha!" Shivaay replied, sarcastically. "Hilarious, darling." Rolling his eyes, he shook his head. "I was thinking, that it's quite difficult for Om, Ru, Bhavya, Gauri, Dadi, Priyanka and Nani to share Shivaansh."

"Yeah," Annika sighed. "They're spoiling him way too much!"

"He's my son," Shivaay smirked. "People just can't help, but love him."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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