three point five

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Twenty five years ago

Annika sighed, as she flipped through the pages of the magazines, aimlessly. Her husband had flown to Japan for an impromptu and important meeting—— it had been unavoidable.

Omkara had decided to accompany him—— as opposed to Rudra who had decided to take over the Oberoi Fashion House instead, as well as get into the modelling business once more.

With his two older brothers handling Oberoi Industries as Chairman and CEO respectively, he'd decided to lay back and enjoy—— the days with the rest of his family and the nights with his wife.

However, Omkara had been sent back earlier, while Shivaay had stayed back in Tokyo, to deal with some additional organisational task—— Annika had stopped paying attention the moment her husband started to apologise profusely for not returning with Omkara.

"Bhabhi!" Rudra grinned, plopping down on the adjacent couch, beside her.

Annika hummed disinterestedly, as her sour mood only worsened with the sight of Bhavya sitting down beside her devar who wrapped an arm around his wife and placed a kiss on her temple.

"Err, Bhabhi?" Bhavya's eyes widened. "Are you okay?"

"Bilkul!" Annika grit out. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"You look like you want to murder me," Bhavya replied with a nervous and hesitant smile.

"Excuse me?" Annika's eyes narrowed.

"Bhabhi," Rudra interjected. "I've got a fantastic idea!" His wife and sister-in-law arched their eyebrows, clearly sceptical. "Oh, don't look at me like that!" He waved them off, "I promise you'll love this idea."

"What is it?" Annika grumbled.

"Wait here," Rudra rushed off, leaving a bewildered Bhavya and an impatient Annika behind. He returned five minutes later, with Gauri in tow. "Bhabhis and Bhavya," he grinned, "I'm taking you ladies out for shopping!"

Annika blinked, "Whatever for?"

"Your sadu husband," Rudra sighed dramatically, "has left behind his pregnant wife to the mercy of magazines and romcoms on television." He shook his head, exaggerating disappointment. "How can I just let my beautiful Bhabhi suffer?"

"Bhabhi, don't listen to Rudy," Bhavya added, hastily. "Shivaay Bhaiya had to leave due to an urgent meeting!"

"Rudy Bhaiya," Gauri sighed in exasperation. "Do you truly believe that Jiju would ever leave Di's side willingly?"

"Exactly!" Bhavya smirked smugly. "Bade Bhaiya is deewana about Bhabhi." She jabbed her husband in the stomach, "He wouldn't have left her unless it had been absolutely necessary."

Rudra rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah." He looked at Annika, with a pointed arch of an eyebrow, "Dekha, Bhabhi?" He shook his head in mock disappointment. "Bhaiya has left behind his minions to make sure you don't stay angry with him."

"Rudy——" Bhavya groaned, throwing a pillow at her husband.

"Nahi, Bhavya," Annika raised her chin haughtily. "Rudy, you're right." Rudra whistled loudly. "Chal. Let's go shopping!"

"Bhabhi! Bhabhi!" Omkara's panicked voice stopped them.

"Om?" Annika frowned. "Is everything alright?"

"Why do you look so panicked?" Gauri arched a quizzical eyebrow at her husband.

Omkara bit his lower lip nervously, laughing hesitantly, "Oh, nothing. It's just that——" his eyes darted to meet Rudra's who narrowed his eyes. "Why don't you change before going to the mall?" He nodded vigorously, "Haan! You should go and change."

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