Chapter 1: My Quirk?

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Inko Midoriya sat nervously in the clinic waiting room as she stole worried glances at her son, Izuku.

Izuku, with his mop of unruly green hair and wide, emerald green eyes, fidgeted restlessly beside his mother. His tiny hands gripped onto his favorite All Might action figure.

Izuku: "I don't like it here mommy. Can we go home please?"

Inko: "Try to be brave dear, I'll reward you with katsudon for dinner tonight.

Izuku didn't like this place one bit but he didn't argue with his mother. Soon enough a nurse entered the waiting room.

Nurse: "Midoriyas?"

Inko: "That's us! Come along Izuku."

Izuku: "Yes mommy."

Izuku and Inko followed the Nurse to the Exam Room. They sat in two chairs.

Nurse: "The Doctor will be with you soon."

As they waited for the doctor, Inko couldn't shake the feeling of dread that gnawed at her insides. What if there was something seriously wrong with Izuku? What if she had failed to protect him from harm?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the clinic door opening, and in walked Dr. Tsubasa, the portly and short-statured doctor who would be examining Izuku. Izuku's heart sank at the sight of him—there was something about the man's demeanor that set her on edge.

Dr. Tsubasa was a fairly old man, completely bald with a bushy mustache that seemed to take on a life of its own as he spoke. He wore a pair of circular, black-rimmed glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. His white lab coat was pristine, adorned with a shirt and tie underneath, a stark contrast to the disheveled appearance of his mustache.

Dr. Tsubasa: "Welcome back Miss Midoriya and Izuku, I assume your hear for another quirk check?"

Inko: "Yes, Izuku must have a quirk. Its been 2 years and Izuku hasn't grown hardly at all. That must mean he has a quirk, right?"

Dr. Tsubasa nodded

Dr. Tsubasa: "I suppose. We'll do another examination to be sure it isn't anything like dwarf syndrome."

Inko nodded and turned to Izuku, who looked physically uncomfortable. Inko rubbed her hand on Izuku's lap.

Inko: "Its okay Izuku, just like last time."

Izuku hesitantly nodded before going with the doctor to the other room. Like the last couple times, the doctor exams Izuku's body. He didn't have the double joint pinkie toe so he would develop a quirk. But for some strange reason, he hasn't shown and signs of a quirk. Thinking this would be the same as the last couple times, he insert Izuku's blood into the machine and waited for the results. He expected to see blank results, but this time he chocked on his spit.

Dr. Tsubasa: =5 quirks!? How is that possible!?=

The doctor looked at the little boy with awe.

Dr. Tsubasa: =It almost like Master's quirk and how he stockpiles his quirks, he would be happy to hear about this!=

Izuku stared at the doctor and flinched when the doctor's face formed into a sick smile that promised evil. Izuku infact knew he had a quirk. He purposely hid it from his mother out of the fear of returning to this horrible place.

{Flash Back 2 Years Ago}

It was after his first trip to the clinic and Inko let his buy a new Action Figure of one of his favorite Hero, Sir Nighteye. He played at the park with Katsuki Bakugo, his best friend....well...ex best friend and his friends. Bakugo was bragging about his quirk to his friends and he asked Izuku if he had his quirk.

Bakugo: "Yout useless and defenseless! Maybe I'll call you Useless Izuku...DEKU!! HAHA!"

Izuku had a couple burns on him and a bruised eye. Bakugo's friends were laughing and mocking Izuku as Bakugo got ready to fire another explosion. Izuku was thinking what would Sir Nighteye do. Just as Bakugo was about to attack Izuku, but suddenly Izuku moved to the side and dodged Bakugo's attack entirely.

Izuku, Bakugo and his friends where utterly shocked. Bakugo gritted his teeth and fired another explosion but Izuku dodges once again, and again.


Izuku didn't know what was happening. It was like he could see what Bakugo was going to do before he did it.

Izuku: =What's happening.... I can see what he's going to do before he does it. Is it my quirk!?=

Izuku slid under a right hook but ends up kicking Bakugo in the groin. Bakugo groans before slumping down to his knees.

Extra #1: "Bakugo!"

Extra #2: "A-are you alright?"

Bakugo: ""

Izuku took the chance to run away. To say Inko overreacted would be an understatment, she completely freaked out. It took some effect, but Izuku convinced her that he was playing a little to rough with Bakugo. Izuku also didn't reveal about his supposed quirk.

{The Present}

The doctor was explaining to Inko about his discovery. Inko was incredibly surprised.

Dr. Tsubasa: "This is an incredible discovery Miss Midoirya."

The doctor showed Inko a chart.

Dr. Tsubasa: "His original quirk is the big one, it appears to be along the lines of some sort of creation quirk. But insteading of creating anything inorganic, he can create quirks!"

Inko looked at her son with amazement. Izuku. Her son, possessed the power to create quirks. But what about the other quirks?

Inko: "Izuku, what are the other 4 quirks"

Izuku: "The first one is like Sir Nighteye, I call it Glimpse. A speed quirk to help me clean my room. And a quirk that I used to pass my math test!"

Izuku nervousness seemingly vanished once he gets on the topics of quirks. He loved to study quirks very much, almost more than Heroes. That's probably how got such a quirk. (Wink Wink)

Dr. Tsubasa was getting more and more excited by the minute. With such a quirk, his master could return to his formal glory as the rightful ruler of the world! Inko whoever remembered something.

Inko: "Wait, honey. That's 3 quirks. What's the 4th?"

Izuku: "! I made a quirk like the man we and Kacchan watched that one time at auntie's house! I think it was called The Eternals!"

Inko: "..... Iz-izuku did you create a immortality quirk?"

Izuku: "I think so? I don't think it worked."

Inko couldn't believed what she was hearing. She gathered her composure and turned to the doctor.

Inko: "Thank you for everything Doctor Tsubasa."

Dr. Tsubasa: "Its my pleasure ma'am, if you have questions please call me."

Inko took her sons hand and they both left. She had to tell her what he did but it would shatter him. Well, of course it would. He was going to outlive his mother by many, many years. She would tell him later, perhaps during dinner.

Dr. Tsubasa watched the little gold mine walk out the room. He immediately pulled out a small device and pressed it. He was then consumed by black sludge and warped away. He appears in a dark lab that was filled with fluid tanks full of horrific creatures. He sits at his computer and clicks a couple buttons on the keyboard before a screen showcases someone wearing a plain suit.

???: Well, this must be rather important if you called on the emergency line Garaki."

Dr. Tsubasa: "Master! I found a gold mine of quirks! A little boy possessed a quirk that allows him to create quirks of all kinds! Even a perfect immortality quirk!"

???: "That is a great discovery. Send a Nomu to retrieve this child. We can't let such an opportunity be ruined by anything, do you understand?"

Dr. Tsubasa: "Yes Master!"

The screen cut off, leaving the Doctor alone in the dark lab. He turned towards the tanks with a sinister smile.

Dr. Tsubasa: "Computer! Release 'Robot!'"

A tank near the back opens and out walks a humanoid creature with robotic parts implanted in the body. Its's entire head is encased in a robotic helmet and it's legs are also mechanical. Dr. Tsubasa holds up a photo of Izuku Midoriya.

Dr. Tsubasa: "Retrieve me this boy! I need him alive, for now."

Robot {Nomu}: "Yes.....Master......"

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