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(This chapter wouldn't be possible without the help of @anonmike217, follow him)

In the white ever expanding emptiness void, there was nothing. Until a large portal opens, throwing figures through the void. All spinning falling and spinning in place until he slammed onto a hard surface part of the ever expanding void that coalesced together to correct its current state to fix these anomalies into being part of its world.

'I HAVE BEEN FALLING FOR 15 MINUTES!' Y/N yelled then groaned as he got up. Trying not to slip and fall as he tries to find the invisible surface. Managing to get his footing, almost tripping himself that he'll fall for another 15 minutes, looked around and saw nothing but the white, empty void.

'Where am I?' he asks himself.

'Well, you're in the void, my friend' The sound of another voice surprises Y/N with reflexes kicking in.

He turned around and tried to draw his rapier and stiletto but to his shock. He realized that they were gone. Looking up he hyper focused on his weapons being held by a man in gray. Holding his weapons in his hands in front of him. A portal opened behind the man and promptly threw the weapons away like it was trash. Y/N tried to run getting his favorite weapons back, but it was already too late; the portal had closed. Enraged over losing his two best friends, Y/N tried to pull out his pistol but pulled only air, patting himself down he also found his sniper rifle to be gone also.

'Calm yourself; you'll get your guns back, but your swords... you're going to need something better where you're going' The gray man chuckled to himself.

Y/N counted to five to calm himself now getting a good look at this man. Analyzing this man's clothes or well, robe he looked like an old man judging by his gray hair and long beard; He wore a hat, gray cloak, and silver scarf around his neck. Then leaning back in the now sitting down in place putting his leg over his other and smoking a pipe.

'Who are you?' Y/N asked. The man breathes in his pipe and then exhales smoke rings into the white void.

'To the Hebrews, I'm called Yahweh; to the Greeks, I am Zeus; to the Nordics, I am Odin; and to the Christians, like yourself, I am god' Y/N was surprised by the man's bold statement. Not happy he has to deal with another insane man claiming he is god again.

'You are not my god! You are a liar! A false god!' Y/N yelled but suddenly, the white void darkened into a pitch black void as the man stood up and stood tall, pipe in hand. Heavy winds blew against Y/N as he was paralyzed to move.

'Y/N LEGION! DO NOT TAKE FOR A MAN WITH CHEAP TRICKS! I'M NOT TO MAKE YOU BELIEVE IN ME! BUT DO NOT INSULT ME OR THE POWER I WIELD!' The darkness soon faded away, and Y/N was able to move. Feeling the similar sensation that he knows only one person can do that. Or more specifically god. His god.

'I'm here to help you' The man's voice now became calm. Y/N prostrated himself and bowed his head.

'I'm sorry I did not recognize you, God; please forgive my ignorance' The man now known as god helped Y/N get up.

'It's alright, and like I said, I'm here to help you.' Y/N tilted his head in confusion.

'How and why?' God chuckled.

'You have potential; you are strong, but you can be stronger with the right training, and your strength will be needed in France'

'France? Why?' Y/N questioned.

'All will be explained when your training is done' Y/N let out a sigh of defeat. Such is life in the priesthood.

'Alright, what's up first?' God going over a list in his mind then turned around looking at nowhere in particular crossing his hands behind his back.

Priest's second adventure(Castlevania: Nocturne x crossover)Where stories live. Discover now