2. Fresh Meat At The Jail.

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"EVERYONE ON THE WALL NOW! I WILL SLAP YOU IF YOU DECIDE TO TALK BACK TO ME." This is scary, this is my first time in prison with all of my team here, normally we would at have least 2 people out of jail so that they could bail us out, and 2nd THIS IS MY 1ST TIME IN PRISON!! IVE ONLY BEEN IN JAIL!! So, its either life or death now. So, I should start to blend, in order that I dont get killed, oh trust me, ve heard those prison stories and the endings are... (gulp) horrible. So, thats why im trying to stay cool with the crowd, not do anything out of the ordinary. And, not do anything that will grab attention to me, thats my leaders job, "'Rainbowwolf324" They're kind of a big deal in my gang, I mean, obviously they're the leader but they just always been the "cool" kid around the block. So, I wanna direct all of the attention to him not me. "DID YOU HEAR ME?! GO TO THE COURTYARD." "O-oh! Sorry. Ma- Sir! Right away!" I soon rush to get my jumpsuit from the officer, and went to go change and soon I walk to the courtyard-

(Heyyyyyy!!!! Hope we're enjoying the story so farrrrr I will be posting the next chapter next week so stay tuned!)

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