skating adventures

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No pov

Kai was reading a book, as Jay walked in kissing him on the lips and saying "ok I'm going to the skating rink with cole, do you wanna come?"
"Nah I'm too good for skating" he responded, but was lying. He really was just terrible at skating, and didn't wanna embarrass himself in front of his boyfriend, and best friend.

"You sure it's not cuz you suck at skating? I've seen you at the tournament of elements, you were really bad at roller blading" Jay said giving him a suspicious look. Kai copied his eye, but his were more with venom.

"Mph. I don't suck at skating. I'm gonna go and show you that I can skate without having to hold on to you, or Cole. Deal?" Kai declared, confidently, but under that confidence, was a mix of worry, nervousness, and anxiety creeping up.

"Deal" Jay said taking Kais hand, and leading him to the living room.

"Hey Jay, Kai. Ready?" Cole asks, the both nod there heads yes, as the three walk out the door.

Kai and Jay kept looking at each other with that competitive eye as they walked down to the skating rink, and Cole was getting suspicious. "did you guys get yourselves into another competition?" Cole asks. "Why would you ever think that?" Jay asks. "1. your not holding hands, 2. your giving the competition eye." Cole explains to Jay and Kai. Kai and Jay nod their heads yes, "yeah, we did." Jay states, looking down at the ground. "what's this one about" Cole said rolling his eyes and sighing, quite annoyed. "Well, Jay said I can't skate, so I said that I can skate, and i'll do it without holding on to you or Jay" Kai explains to his friend. Cole nods his head.

"ok well were here. Show us what you got hothead." Cole says. 

Jay, Kai, and Cole put on their skates, and hop on the ice. (btw I know NOTHING about skating, so sorry if you play skating, or ice hockey.) Kai was trying his hardest to not hold on to the edge, wobbling all over as he tried to make it to the entrance of the skating rink to show that he could skate without holding on a human, or the edge, but in the end failed. He held on, because he was about to fall, and Jay noticed. 

Kai looked up at Jay, and blushed from embarrassment. "hah! You held onto the end!" Jay said "I win!!!" he smiled so brightly, and Kai had to admit, he looked adorable. But winning was more important. "no, I said you or Cole, not the edge, so hah! No one wins!" Kai said annoyed, and crossed his arms, and rolled his eyes. Jay copied and said "then how about a game of ice hockey?" He smirked. Kai nodded reluctantly, and felt all the same nervous feelings rushing back. What if he falls? What if he hurts himself? And most importantly, what if he proves Jay right, and falls on said boy or Cole? So many possibilites, so little time to think about it, as Jay was already dragging him out onto the ice and giving him a hockey stick to play. 

Now yes, Kai was good at sports, but sports on ice? Not so much. Jay was standing in the middle with Kai, as Cole was guarding the goal. Jay hit the puck to Kai, and Kai hit it back. They both tried to get it to the goal, but since Kai could barely stand, and Jay wasn't the most athletic, it was kinda sad. Lets just say the game was pretty even since both had their weaknesses and strengths.  

Kai was about to hit the puck the goal, since Cole was on the other side, but Cole hit the puck away at the perfect moment, hitting it back to Kai. As he did hit it back, the red ninja almost fell back from the impact, but ended up keeping balance.  As he was though, Jay swooped up behind him, and took the puck away. Jay smiled slightly at the steal he just did, and continued the game. 

Kai would never admit it, but he was getting tired and annoyed. He didn't wanna do this challenge anymore- even if he was the competitive person he was- and just wanted to go home and cuddle Jay, and watch a movie. Thats all. Kai never did really like getting into competitions with Jay, since he didn't wanna hurt his sensitive feelings. Even with the sensitivity  that Jay had, he wasn't all that competitive like Kai. Yes he was dissapointed that he lost, but, he would happy for the other and be sad later when he alone. Thats one of the many things Kai loved about Jay.

Jay hit the puck to Kai, one of his rather bad hits, but Jay didn't really care, untill he saw Kai almost fall flat on his back. Without even thinking, Jay rushed over to Kai, dropping his stick, and catching him like you would dip a person (in dancing terms). "I guess you really did fall for me huh?" Jay said with a chuckle, as Kai looked away embaressed. "shut up" red mumbles, making Jay chuckle a little more. Jay helps Kai to his feet, as Cole came over to Kai and Jay. 

''you ok bro?" Cole asks kai looking concerned. "yeah I'm good thanks to Jay. You win by the way Jay." Kai said looking down as he held onto jays arm like his life depended on it as they walked to the entrance of the skating rink, Kai occasionally slipping, but thanks to Jays arm, he was fine. "oh yeah I do. huh that challenge was stupid. We didn't even win anything in the end." Jay said in a upset and disappointed tone. ''yeah that was kinda stupid'' cole said as they began to take off there skates. "this is a moment were gonna look back on in the future and say 'huh. We were foolish for that' ''  Kai said getting a little  laugh out of Cole and Jay. "yeah probably, but at least it was a bonding, fun laughing moment." Jay said with a shrug. ''yep.'' both Kai and Cole said at the same time.

*at the monistary*

''can we go cuddle Jayyyy" Kai said in a pouty voice. When Kai was tired, he would become a big emotional, softy. One of the many things Jay loved about Kai. "yeah come'on" Jay said taking Kais hand. "yay!" Kai said. 

They went to Kais bedroom and sat on his bed, getting comfortable. "I love you Jay,'' Kai said from jays chest. "I love you too babe. Go to sleep ok? i'll be right here the whole time." Jay said in a comforting tone. "ok" Kai responded with. 

Words: 1135

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