Jay, what's that?

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⚠️ this chapter will have a make out session, but nothing more. If you are not ok with make outs, please skip to the next bolding⚠️

No pov

Kai and Jay were cuddling, just talking about random things, and laughing occasionally.

Kai kissed Jay with passion. they broke apart Kai said "i love you a lot ya know," Jay smiled at this comment.

Jay kissed him again, just harder this time. Kai licks Jay bottom lip, asking for entrance, but Jay declined. Kai was not taking no for an answer, so he bit Jays lip instead, making Jay gasp. Kai stuck his tongue in his lovers mouth fast, so he didn't miss his chance. His tongue was exploring every wet cavern that Jay had, making Jay moan in delight slightly.

Jay and Kai had been kissing for a minute, and they both had the same thought on there mind; this is great.

Kai takes his lips off of Jays, causing Jay to groan, asking him to come back. But Kai had other plans.

He licked at Jays neck, sucking slightly. Jay moans just a little, trying to keep it down so the others don't hear.
Kai was sucking harder now, leaving a mark on the one in blues neck.
Jays moans just keep getting louder, witch just turned Kai on.
He let's go of that part of Jays neck, looking at what he had done, and quite frankly proud.

He looks back at Jays lips, as if he was starving. He went back to the his lips, and they moved in perfect sync.

Make out session ended, but they did do it, I just didn't write that part trying to keep it as PG as possible. (I've failed 😔)

Jays pov

Kai collapsed onto me from being tired, and I just let it happen. "that was.... fun.'' Kai said with a dreamy smile on his face. "yeah..." I say with the same dreamy smile.

"do you just wanna lay here and cuddle?'' I ask "yeah. it is 10:00 o'clock though, we should probably start heading to bed.'' Kai said. I nod my head, "ok let me just get into PJs, you should too." 

Me and Kai get up and go to our shared drawer. I grab a pair of random blue sweat-pants, with a white shirt. Kai does the same, just with a red pair of sweat-pants. We put them on our bodies, no need to take off our clothes, that's already done~

We feel asleep wrapping our arms and legs around the other. This was the best way to fall asleep, in your lovers arms.

~in the morning~

Jays pov

I wake up in Kais arms, just like how I feel asleep. Why do my legs hurt so much? Oh right, that happened yesterday. K well this is gonna be a interesting training day.

"Kai, babe, wake up, its morning,'' I shake Kai softly so I can get up and use the bathroom, and cover up the marks on my neck before going to breakfast. "nooo. It's so warmmm. I wanna stayyyy" Kai whines, laying back down. "ok, well that's fine but I need to go to the bathroom, so can you let go of me" I say instead. "no, stayyyy. I wanna cuddle that's better than using a toilet." Kai whines. I sigh, I'm really not gonna win this am I? "ok 20 more minutes, that all ok?" I say "yay" Kai says tightening his already tight grip on me. "k-kai, c-can you los-losen your gr-grip on me? I can-can't breath" I managed to stutter out. "I'm sorry, please don't leave,'' Kai says loosening his iron-grip "oh hon, I'm not leaving'' I say. Kai smiles  on my chest, and cuddles up to me more. I smile slightly too.

~20 minutes later cuz I'm lazy~

*nock, nock* I heard at the door. "hello?" I say "hey, its Nya, its time to train, are you coming?" Nya says through the door. oh crap. "yeah I'm coming" I say, I heard Nyas foot-steps walk away from the door, as Kai tilts his head slightly. "aw man, we've gotta get up?" He whines. Gosh is Kai whiney in the morning. "yeah, come'on" I say, taking his hand and trying to drag him out of bed. "we'll go cuddle after if you want?" I offer, leading to Kai shaking his head violently. I giggle leading him out of our shared room and to the training course. Oh my fsm, I forgot about my hickeys, and my legs. "um Kai I'll be back, I.... Still have to go to the bathroom." I say "nope, after training" Kai said taking my hand, and dragging me out to the course where all the others are. "no Kai I really need to go to the bathroom~" I say trying to make Kai let go of my hand, but Cole notices me before I could. 

"hey bro. Wanna train with me today?" Cole asks I put my hand on my neck to hide what was there and nodded my head, make he'll be too distracted to notice? Kai goes over to Lloyd to train, as me and cole walk to the opposite side. Cole was about to hit me in the stomach, and as I was going to move out of the way, my legs started to ache for me to sit down. I bite back a hurtful groan, trying to not draw attenion, and Cole was going to hit my shoulder. But he noticed, one of the hickeys Kai made. "Jay what's that?" Cole asked "u-um a bruise I got from training y-yesterday." I stutter out. "really? cuz that doesn't look like one. that looks like a hickey..'' Everyone started to circule me and Cole, as Kai gave my a look. I blush as bright as kais gi, and look at the ground. "Kai, did you do that?" Cole asks. Kai blushes as hard as me, and looks away "m-maybe" He stutters out.  

"Jay Walker did you have sex with my brother!" Nya said looking furious "u-um. PLEASE DON"T HURT ME!!!" I say running away, as Nya chases after me. "NYA COME BACK!!!! HE DIDN'T HURT ME!!" Kai yells, running after me. 

My numb legs were really not playing in my case today, cuz Nya was right behind me, about to jump on me.

"Nya stop" I yell, making her stop seeing me actually standing up for myself. "I didn't hurt him, and we are both fine" I say trying to calm her down. She calms down slightly. "Jay, if you ever. And I mean ever, hurt my brother, I will hurt you three times worse!" she says in a threatening tone. "y-yes. I p-promise!" I say backing away, scared. "ok. Welp bye!'' Nya says changing her mood completely. "Did, she hurt you Jay?" Kai  says out of breath, since  he was just running all around the monistary. "no, Im fine." I say. "phew. Ok well lets get back to training now!" Kai says, taking my hand, and walking back to the training course.

What a morning. 

Words: 1160

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