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-Introductions and Greetings-

(Name) the astral express personal healer had came to visit the station with their two friends Dan Heng and March 7th.

"Wow! It's been a while since we last came here!" March looks around the station dragging you and Dan Heng everywhere.

"Remember March we're here for other reasons." Dan Heng sighed. You chuckled and looked around the station too..but it was more in a horrid state you felt. The three of you walked down the hall before a monster came up behind you but Dan Heng blocks it by hitting it with his spear, he had his hand over your head and ran with you and March to a safer place "What the hell?!" You panicked but continued to run with them.

The station was in a havoc state right now, "I think we showed up at a wrong time!" March yells holding onto your hand as you guys ran. There a safe spot in the station, there lies a person on the floor. She had grayish hair and it was pretty messy. She reminded you of a raccoon almost "Oh my god is that person dead?!" March yells with concern in her voice. You being the doctor checked her pulse "Nah she's alive but barely." Dan Heng walks over to your side "Weak heart beat and pulse...(Name) you better do CPR." You shocked back at the sudden statement "Why me?!" You yelled "Because you're the doctor here?" You shook your head and refused to do CPR, you had no experience with mouth to mouth. "Fine..March you do it.", "Huh?!..I've never done CPR before!" You looked down at the female before "Dan Heng you do it since you suggested it." Dan Heng groans but doesn't refused. He gets down on one knee and gets ready to commence CPR before the person starts to wake up. March notices "Wait they're waking up!" She pushes his face away and smiles at the female. The persons eyes slowly and droopily open their eyes before standing up and holding their head. "You alright? You're not deaf are you? I'm not good in sign language. Do you remember anything?" You asked.

The person only remains silent for a moment "I...don't remember anything." You sighed "Do you at least remember your own name?" She thinks for a moment "My names..Stelle." You nod and smile "Stelle? Nice to meet you. My names Dan Heng, and this is March 7th and the short one here is (Name)." March smiles at them while although had suspicions you smiled at them as well.

"The space station is being attacked by the Antimatter Leigon so right now we're fighting for our lives." You explained "In the master control zone Asta and others are gathered there, we also have the Astral Express there right now so once we get there you'll be fine without any injuries along the way..I hope." You uttered. Dan Heng spoke up splitting into two groups. "You and March go back together, Me and (Name) will find our way there and reach Arlan." You didn't complain about the partnering but you were concern for the strangers saftey because they had nothing to protect themselves with "March please make sure this new comer doesn't get hurt they already have a bad situation of amnesia, I don't want it getting any worse." You pat her shoulder, March smiles and give you a thumbs up before you and Dan Heng ran off the other direction.

"How can we find Arlan? Most areas are enclosed by the Antimatter's" You asked but came across a monster "(Name) do you know this monsters weakness?" You tried to remember in your mind "I dunno but! I do know that one of its weakness is wind." Dan Heng nods and sends a windy attack at the monster and you attack it as well with your weapon. The monster immediately dies and gets sent away "I didn't have to heal anybody yay!" You both continued to hurry and finding ways to the Master control room.

You both end up in a hall seeing Arlan on the ground with his arm and leg hurt "Arlan!" You both ran over to him, you inspecting his arm and leg and Dan Heng looking around protectively "Are you alright?l Arlan only huffs but nods. You take his nod but took your backpack of medical sources and looked for bandages and alcohol rubbing. "Give me your arm." Arlan seemed hesitant but he doesn't object and gave you his arm. Disinfecting his wound Dan Heng patrols the halls for any monsters so they couldn't get near you two. "It's nice to know that you sacrificed an arm and leg to protect the other people in the station other than the fact your arm is injured badly good job kid." You said and wrapped his bandages. Arlan blushes form the sudden praise but appreciates it, he watches you carefully wrap his arm  to leg till you were finished "There all done." You help him up on his feet "Dan Heng!" You called for your friend but he was nowhere to be seen. He probably went to go find the other two. You pull out your phone and went to your contacts to text him.

"Where did you go?"

                                                                           Dan Heng
                           "I went to go find March and Stelle"

"Okay well, I've taken Arlan to a safe place, I'll send you my locations and get here quickly and please without any injuries."

                                                                           Dan Heng
                                            "Of course."

You rolled your eyes but your main focus was the teenage boy you had over your shoulder, take him to a safe place..."This should be a good resting place for now." You set him down on the chair "Dan Heng ran off to find the others, we'll have to wait here until they get here." Arlan nods and rested his arm while you stood out watching out for any Antimatter's. You hit your nail waiting for them, usually it was out of stress and it's a stressful time for you. Thankfully, Dan Heng, March and Stelle came back safely without any injuries or bleeding "You guys came back quickly." You sighed out of relief, Arlan was working on the control systems the meantime while you waited.

"Arlan they're back." Arlan turns around to see three people behind you "Oh hey...you're all together right?" You nod "Yep! We're from the Astral express!" March said. Arlan nods acknowledging you four "Oh...did Madam Herta send to help?" You shook your head and put your hands on your hips and sighed "No, we came here just to visit hut unfortunately fate had other plans." You crossed your arms "Though we were delivering a rare relic Ms. Herta entrusted us to find." You had a tint of complaint in your voice but kept your composure "Why are the Antimatter Leigons targeting you guys? It seems they ignored the surface of the planet and came straight to the space station." Arlan didn't seem to have a clue but he did think it was suspicious they came to attack after the security system failed you hummed.

'There's a huge tension I wanna leave.' You smiled densely yourself. You could sense something big from out of the spaceship 'Better keep guard.'

You will now know me at the Hsr writer instead of the....

*flashback of the unfinished and cringy stories during my forbidden phase*

Yeah first chapter:) next one called...

(Edit: I decided the ending didn't seem right so I changed it a bit.)

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