hailia, "3AM" /fluff

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nighttime hailia / halia fluff


wc - 421

Love. It was something someone with no hope in life dreads, unless you got a friend or two to take up that love part. Hailey Austin, a girl who thought she had no chance at anyone, really, really has a girlfriend.

Lia and Hailey. They are completely head over heels for each other; it's apparent. They may seem like close friends or just sweet passers from afar, but they're just normal girlfriends living life.


"Hailey?" Lia whispered, just loud enough for Hailey to jump up and hit the headboard.

2:56. The bright numbers on Hailey's lock screen made her look twice at Lia, the girl half way inside her room and the rest of her body outside.

"What the hell Lia! It's..what like almost 3AM. Get the hell in here!" Hailey took a deep breath in and tugged as hard as she could on Lia's hand. Resulting in a grunt and groan from both teams. Thankfully, only Zander and Bethany are home.



"Sorry for?"

"Coming to your place at 3AM?"

"I would kill to see you..even when it breaks my sleep schedule. Dumbass."

Lia jumped onto the bed- a creaking sound ringed in both of their eardrums.

"What are you even here for?" Hailey stuck her finger out; jabbing it into Lia's side. "Bored? I mean, why else!" Lia's sassy tone made up for her excuses.

Hailey smiled, away from Lia though.

Her black painted nails ran along Lia's braids, her short biten nails softly scratched her scalp. "Can't sleep?" her soft glazed voice spoke out, resulting in a hum from the chocolate eyed girl.

Lia laced her hand over Hailey's free hand, her cold and her warm hand clash together like magnets. Lia's thumb softly grazed over Hailey's hand, noticing every detail on her hand.

Oh how much they love one another, it's just pure honey and sugar in a pot.

"I still have my shoes on, you just gonna let that slide?" Her sleepy voice echoed Hailey's mind.

"I'll let it...be for just tonight."

"Mmm, just get over here and cuddle with me." She extended her arm, waiting for Lia to scooch in.

A hand on her waist and her hand in her braids.

Night passed into day,

the two slept without a sound.


not really a chapter (not one I put work into) I just really wanted to write about them bro!! also to everyone who requested, YES I'll be making those soon!!!!

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