sadiam, "dark purple" ⭐

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sadiam , sadie x liam ⭐

part 1 / ???

not requested . . . .


wc - 692


Liam and Henry slumped themselves onto the bench. People walked past, the fountain sprayed with water elegantly

Drew wasn't here sadly, he had to attend a funeral. On the other hand, Jake wasn't here since he was with the Music Club. The bustling front area of the school stayed loud, cliques of teens and loners passed by.

"Man, nothing to do out here. My data doesn't even work!" Liam exclaimed, Henry wiped his own forehead; it was partially humid outside. The inside of the school wasn't anymore hotter.

"I'm telling you, we should've brought the fan!" Henry exclaimed as well, his horrible idea only seemed good as of now. In the actual problem and situation.

Suddenly, a white haired female approached them, Daisy. "Liam! Henry! Have you guys seen Jake? I've been looking for him, he said he was going to be free at this time!" Liam and Henry both looked at each other, "He's probably with his other friends," Henry shrugged, "besides, what do you need him for?"

"Well, we just got a new shipment of paper and flyers, and some posters! Jake said he was going to help me carry the boxes up to the teacher's rooms, with me and Sadie!"

"I'll help." Liam slid his phone into his pocket, he couldn't help but feel useless basking in the sun and burning. The quick response left Henry's jaw slack,


Henry left that spiraled in his head, Daisy grinned widely. She enjoyed and accepted what Liam offered.

"You just gonna leave, without me??? DUDE." Henry tugged on Liam's sleeve. "Lia is over there," Liam pointed to the fountain where he noticed her long ravishing hair. "just hang with her! Besides, looks like she's not really talking to here friends. Anyways, BYE!!"

Henry watched Liam slip away with Daisy, he groaned and found himself up on his feet.


"Here! Here's the room!" Daisy opened the door, holding it for Liam. He slipped out a 'thank you' from his lips.

Sadie stood there on the side, looks like she was texting someone. "Jake isn't here?" Sadies soft but deep voice emerged into their ears. Her voice almost left shivers down Liam's spine, Sadie absolutely seemed terrifying to Liam.

"No," Daisy scratched the back of her neck, "he's busy. So we have Liam!" Daisy cheered.

A faint feeling of uneasiness settled inside of Liam, Sadie's eye pierced right through him. Sadie nodded at Daisy's answer, she placed her phone on the table. Her phone case caught Liam's eyes; they had a drawing of vampire teeth on them. There was misulanuse all over her phone case, they all complimented her phone though.

The conversation Sadie and Daisy had almost become a background sound for Liam as he scanned the room. He had never been in here.

"Well, there's a couple more boxes outside, I'll go get them! And I know for sure I got this! Just trust me on this one!" Daisy left the room in one swift motion. It was just Liam and Sadie left.

"Oh..okay. Liam, isn't it?" Liam froze, "U-uh..yeah! It's Liam." He forced his words out, his stomach sank.

Sadie approached closer to Liam, she examined him. Her eyes closed on Liam's painted nails. Randomly, she held Liam's hand for a closer look.


Liam's mind was racing, he didn't even know what emotions we're running through him, rather he was just really fucking scared. Sadie was just scary in his opinion.

"Nice nails." Sadie softly said, her voice sounded quieter than usual. It almost brought ease to Liam. "Hey, thanks! You got some uh, nice nails too!" Liam's heart thumped, he was hoping his words of positivity didn't come off badly. "Oh, why thank you."

Sadie then let go of his hand, however instead of feeling relief, it almost felt empty without the coldness of Sadie's hand. "We both have black nails." Liam noticed, "Dark purple, mines are dark purple. They just..the nail polish was a tad bit too pigmented. They look black, right?" Liam nodded.


not beta read , , , ,

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