jean, 'baked goods' /fluff

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jean fluff - request by haerinstoe (stinky person)


wc : 572


The wind audibly blew, autumn was noticeable colder than usual.

Sean slipped his hand into his pockets, finding warmth as he waited for Jake. A tall, pale man emerged from the corner, Jake.

"Hey! Sorry I was late, Milo is a pain in the ass." A soft chuckle swayed from his lips. "That's fine, as long as you're here." Sean gave a warm smile, he reached out to hold Jake's hand, the contrast of cold and warm melted them together.

"This is...the bakery?" Jake looked up at the sign, it truly was just build recently like what Sean had said to him. "Uh huh, just a week ago. Wanna go in? The cold is killing me!"

Jake held the door open, like a true gentleman; "Majesty first!", Jake exclaimed. Sean couldn't help but grin.

The smell of cinnamon and dark chocolate mixed together perfectly, the light mystic air around them made this the perfect date.

"Holy shit, this place is awesome." Jake's eyes gazed around the inside, there was a couple of people in the shop. Both of their eyes locked onto the workers, watching the bakers roll the croissants. They walk their way over to the registers. "Hello! Welcome to Honeydrop Bakery! What would you like to order today?" A petite and polite woman announced to Sean and Jake. They could smell her sweet vanilla perfume from the opposite side of the counters; it wasn't off putting or terrible.

"Uh, could we get a almond croissant and a black coffee?" Sean turned his gaze over to Jake, wondering what he wants to order. "I'll take...a cheese danish with hot chocolate!" A wide grin appeared on Jake's face.


Sean and Jake take a seat at the only free window seat. They place their order onto the table, working their way into the seats. Thankfully, the order wasn't too expensive.

The window was cracked open, the fresh chilly air mixed with the sweet baked scent in the bakery.

Jake's eyes fixated themselves on Sean for a moment. Taking in all of what he's seeing, he got his hair done recently; dreads. God, he looks great.

"Have I already told you how good you look with dreads?" Jake asked, still mesmerized even after a couple of days of seeing him like this. "It's the only thing you talk about, expected it to come up in this at least once!" Sean chuckled out.

Jake jutted out his hand, caressing Sean's.

They looked out the window together, Jake shifted and rested against the cold glass. He hissed in slight pain as his bare cheek pressed up against the coldness, regardless of the temperature he stayed.


The bells jingle as they walk out of the bakery. A quick smile flashed on Jake's face before saying "Well, sorry we had to finish quickly, probably going to get my ass beat right as I get home.."

"You can always stay at mines? No one's home." Sean innocently reminded Jake.
"And what are you impiling there, Prince?" Jake looked over at Sean, his eyes slightly more widened. Sean traced back to his words, "Not like that! Yo, yo, not like that." A dark magenta painted Sean's cheeks, while Jake's turned peach.

They say their goodbyes and head their own ways. Perhaps today's date turned out better than expected, the weather bummed them out before.


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