Author's Note

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so uhm, wassup chat! this is my first ACTUAL fan fiction. I've wrote fanfic, but they were never serious and mostly jokes or unfinished. So, I apologize in advance if things might be a little messy and not really up to your standards! 

Note that I don't upload consistently so I'll just upload chapters when I'm done with it. Also, I'd like to include a little drawing at the end of every chapter! I'm not the best artist but it'll work. 

About characterization, I'm not good at depicting character personalities so things might be ooc, I'll try my best to keep it in character! It's hard for me to write the personalities of characters I don't own since I don't have a planning sheet giving me the little details of their character. Of course, akito and toya's personalities will be altered a little on purpose due to this being an AU and different things happen to them in the past causing a change in present day. (wow i sound so smart...)

I might get really demotivated and stop uploading for a long time so there's also that. That or I'm just doing something for school. I have no beta reader btw, if you don't know what that is, it's basically someone who reads over your work for mistakes and such. I hear this term more on ao3 so yea. 

Akito is based off "one act morning practice" trained card and toya is based off "fleeting rest" trained card! (Search up the cards if u don't know them by name) 

The cover is temporary as I plan on drawing it myself!!!!

I'll try my best to add the other characters in project sekai, but they might be very ooc! (i'll try to make them as close as canon as possible though)

No warnings for the time being, this might change in the future. If there are warnings I'll just add it to the top of the said chapter. If you don't like swearing I guess click off because there will be swearing.

NOTE THAT I WILL NOT WRITE SMUT! I feel uncomfortable writing it plus I find it weird to write that stuff about teenagers even though real people do it in life all the time. Also, they're minors in my country.

Sorry for that long ass author's note. Just had to make some things clear for yall!

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