2 | Sunflowers and even more sunflowers!

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( thats one chapter name alright. ALSO SO SORRY FOR POSTING THIS SO LATE)


"EH!?!??!?!" Akito screams so loudly that it literally echoes through the air.

Toya suddenly flinches at the random high pitched holler that Akito just let out of nowhere. "I'm sorry, did I scare you.. uh.. Shinonome-kun?" Toya takes his hand off of Akito's shoulder and puts it to the side of his body. Feeling quite guilty for the sudden scare Toya gave Akito, he began to apologize about 10 more times maybe.

Akito looks at Toya not knowing how to respond to such a dramatic apology. Though, he manages to say something, "oh, gosh, uhm. Nah, it's fine. Anyways, what are you even doing in Vivid Street?" Akito really didn't want to make things awkward right now so he decided to switch the topic.

Toya looks back at Akito, "I was just practicing my singing that's all. I felt like this was a good spot, don't know an actual reason to why though." Toya started to fidget with his necklace waiting for a possible reply. Before Akito could say anything, Toya interrupted with a question of his own, "So, why are you here? Why were you staring at me for like.. 5 minutes straight?"

Akito looked at Toya. Toya looked back, Akito was not ready for that question even though he should've came up with an excuse earlier.  This should've been easy to reply to, but Akito took a while to respond to his question.

"Well, I mean I work a job at Vivid Street and running late right now. Also, uh... I was just distracted by your singing I guess? Not in bad way!" Akito says in a fast manner looking away from Toya slightly. Saying all this was way too embarrassing, he wish he could just run away right now and not have to deal with all this.

"You work here? Where?" Toya says tilting his head to the side ever so slightly. 

Akito felt like that question was pretty risky to answer.  Why would you give a stranger the exact location to where you work at almost every day? 

"I work at the flower shop down over there," Akito replies with no hesitation despite all the risks. He points over to where the flower shop was located.

The flower shop was made from bricks and had so many flowers in flowerpots all around it. The shop looked pretty out of place in contrast of everything else in Vivid street, but it was beautiful anyways. 

"Flower shop? It doesn't seem to have a lot of variety... just a lot of sunflowers. Do you have something for sunflowers or something?" Toya questions slowly turning his head towards the other boy.

Akito stayed silent for a moment.

"Are you trying to come off as rude or? And yea, I like sunflowers, you got something against that?" The offended Akito looks at Toya with a disappointed expression.

Toya panics for a little and quickly responds back, "Wha..What? Oh..! I apologize again, I didn't mean to come off as rude!" Toya quickly bows in front of Akito, and Akito awkwardly looks at Toya.

"Hey man, it's okay! Uh, hey, how about I show you around the shop! There's a lot more than just sunflowers within the shop itself," Akito attempts to save this awkward conversation and hopefully he did.

Toya looks back up to Akito, he's quick to reply to Akito's offer, "Oh, sure! I mean why not?" Toya's gaze softened when he looked at Akito's beaming face after Toya accepted his offer.

"Wait, really? You're not joking right..?" Akito rarely got to info dump about his interests and whenever he did it seemed like he would just never stop spitting non-sense. His eyes continued to gleam as bright as the beautiful blooming sunflowers growing nearby the shop's entrance. 

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