The Meeting in the Showers

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FINALLY! time to get into plot!!!

Also, retconing something- the time travel cylinder device has now been named its the C.Y.L.I.N.D.E.R
this has been added to chapter 1(chapter 2 technically-)
anyways, hope yall enjoy this-kat

Thomas woke up to someone shaking him awake. Just like Minho had said, and like the first morning he was ever in the Glade, Newt was the one who had woken him up.

He went to say something, only for Newt to shush him, "Don't want to be wakin' Chuckie, now do we?" He smirked, remembering what he had said to him the first time.

Thomas smiled back at him groggily. "Morning."

Newt laughed quietly, "Not sure that..." he checked his watch, "Nine minutes past midnight counts as morning, but sure."

Thomas sat up, yawning a little. He didn't remember when he had fallen asleep, and he was honestly a little surprised that he had slept as well as he did, he didn't have any nightmares, for once. It was the best sleep he had had in ages, even if he had been woken up only a couple hours later.

Newt stood up straight from where he had been leaning over Thomas, giving him space to get up, "C'mon, Tommy, let's get going. Minho's probably waiting. That shank'll probably throw a bloody fit if we're late."

Thomas chuckled, standing up and rubbing the sleep from his eyes, "Yeah, let's go. Sooner we talk, the better."

"Don't step on anyone like you did last time, shank," Newt teased, "Don't want anyone waking up, now do we?"

"Yeah, yeah," Thomas replied, tone light, "I'll be careful."

They walked silently and carefully through the tangle of people, heading for the showers; the dim light from the fake moon and stars guiding them.

It only took them a few minutes to reach the showers, and like Newt had guessed earlier, Minho was waiting for them inside, leaning against a wall, a lantern in his hand. A soft glow came from it, painting their surroundings in orange light.

"You're late."

"Only by eleven minutes," Newt replied, playfully.

"Eleven minutes we could've spent more productively." Newt rolled his eyes, exasperated.

"Right, well... we're here now," Thomas replied.

"Right," Minho said, straightening up, "To start with, we should figure out how we're even here."

Thomas remembered waking up in the Box again, the panic, the confusion. The only thing he remembered before that was...that had to be it.

"The last thing I remember before the Box was the...picking up the cylinder thing, at WICKED," Thomas said, "I was thinking it's probably related to that?"

Minho nodded, "Yeah, after all the things WICKED has done, time travel isn't that much of a stretch..." he paused then, looking at Newt, "But, you weren't with us, so...?"

Thomas couldn't think of what else it could be, but Minho was right, Newt hadn't been with them, and yet here he was anyway.

"About that...I was actually with you," Newt said.

Thomas snapped his head towards Newt in confusion. What did he mean? He was there? But he couldn't have been, not only would one of them have seen him but he was also...

Minho also shared his confusion; he tilted his head to the side, and asked, "What are you talking about, Newt?"

"The afterlife is... hard to explain. But I was there, you just couldn't see me... or buggin' hear me for that matter," Newt explained.

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