Neelabh (Indigo Horse)

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This is just an English version of my previous story written in Hindi. I just wanted non-Hindi people to read this story. This is a story for children. Story of an Indian king.

Indradhanushi ghode / इन्द्रधनुषी घोड़े: प्रकाशाश्व अद्भुत अश्व

Long ago in the central part of India was a region called Udaipur. Here a king named 'Chandrabhan ' ruled. After the death of his father Suryabhan, he became the king of Udaipur. Chandrabhan was a tall, strong, intellectual, courageous and very kind king. His subjects used to take the vows of his gentleness. He was a very justice-loving king. Even the smallest crime was deeply investigated and the crime in his state was negligible.

Chandrabhan was very interested in horse riding. He used to hunt only cannibalistic, rowdy and violent creatures but he would enjoy horse riding every day. There were many horses in his stables. The king himself would inspect them every week.

Once Chandrabhan's friend and neighbor King Mansingh came to meet him. Chandrabhan loved his horses. He took Mansingh to show his horses.

Mansingh praised the horses and said - "Friend, these horses increase your valour. Seeing your love towards horses, you seem to be worthy of Indradhanushi horses. "

Chandrabhan - "Indradhanushi horses?" Friends Don't make me a puzzle, tell the truth, what are these Indradhanushi horses? "

Mansingh (smiling) - "Friend It is said "the first time when lord Indra disseminated the rainbow on the earth, seven horses appeared with seven colours of light. The eighth horse was white like the light itself. These horses were loved by Indra. Once they came to earth with him. This holy land of Gods and Goddesses India, full of diversity was so beautiful that they stayed here ever after. Most people consider it a legend. "

Chandrabhan - "What do you think? Do they still live in the holy land of India?"

Mansingh- "According to folk tales, those horses spread in all eight directions. Years ago, a north Indian king claimed to see a blue horse in the dense forest of the Himalayas, but this was considered his illusion. This is a proverb, but it is difficult to say the truth. But if this is true, then my friend should be one of them in your stables. It is said that the one who has them all will become a magnificent king like Indra the Lord of Lords. "

Mansingh went back to his land. Chandrabhan was filled with anxiety. He was eager to meet those horses. When Chandrabhan asked the ministers about Indradhanushi Ashwas (horses), they called it a legend and folk tale only. And considered the story of the blue horse, as the illusion of that king. The king was not satisfied and decided to go in search of blue horses in the Himalayan forests. He consulted his ministers. The ministers were learned and reliable. The command of the king was always given importance.

It was taken care that the subjects should not be aware of the absence of the king. Taking blessings from his mother Suvarnalata, the king set out on a journey. He rode his favourite horse with all the necessities. After several days of travel, he finally reached the dense forests of the Himalayas.

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