Peetashva(yellow horse)

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Thus, in search of the yellow-coloured horse, they set out on a journey to the southeast part of India. They stopped at a place which was full of greenery. King Chandrabhan saw a lion who was about to attack an unarmed man.He shot an arrow and wounded a lion in the air. Chandrabhan assisted the person to make him sit on his horse, that person was in a state of semi-unconsciousness. He looked majestic in the costumes. 

Chandrabhan took the person along. After a few steps,  some soldiers were seen on the way, who were probably looking for that person. Soon Chandrabhan was enjoying his hospitality as the chief guest of King Omdutt at the palace of the kingdom called Samarkand. When he told the whole incident to the soldiers, they thanked Chandrabhan for saving their king's life and brought him to the palace.Omdutt regained consciousness by midnight. First, in the morning, he expressed his desire to meet the one who protected his life. Chandrabhan was summoned.

Omdutt- " Thank you, friend.I will never be able to repay the debt, that you have done to me by saving my life. That lion had become a cannibal and started attacking civilians. While chasing him, I got separated from the soldiers, if you had not killed the lion at the right time, I would not have been alive today. "

Chandrabhan - "It was the wish of God, Maharaj, who am I to save someone's life? You had to fulfil many responsibilities so you survived. Say, Thank God. "

Omdutt- "Rightly said, friend. Now introduce yourself and say the purpose of reaching our state. You do not appear to be an ordinary person. "

Chandrabhan gave his full introduction without hiding and also told the purpose of coming there.

Omdatta- "Pitashwa? I Had heard the legend of such a horse in my state but I had doubts about its reality. Today I came to know about their truth by listening to you. If you have met two of them, then this can also be true. "

The next few days, King Omdutt kept resting in bed and Chandrabhan would tell him stories of his city. Omdutt also told him the history of his kingdom. At the time of his father, It was a prosperous state, but his economic condition had deteriorated over these three years due to continuous famine. Many parts of his state were captured by other kings. 

The size of the state was also getting smaller. Omdutt was 35-40 years old and had two sons, Somdutt and Veerdutt. The smaller son was named after his grandfather Veeradatta, father of Omdutt. His wife could not bear the pain while giving birth to her third son and she died three years back after her death the young one also died. Somdutt was 15 years old and Veerdutt was 10 years old. The king did not get a second marriage so that his children could get the full affection of their father. His mother Snehlata raised her grandchildren.Chandrabhan's mind filled concerning him over time and his troubles seemed to be his own. Thinking of Omdutt's health, Chandrabhan did not ask him to go on a journey for several days, but finally one day he came to get permission from him. 

Omdutt was standing in front of a portrait in his hall at that time. The hall was empty.Chandrabhan - " Maharaj Pranam. This picture is very beautiful. Your painter is very talented, he has made your living picture. "

Omdutt- "You are deceived, this picture is not mine, it is from my father King Veerdutt. I am very similar to my father and since childhood, I wanted to be like my father, so I tried to look and walk like him, he was my idol. There was a big difference between us that he always used his left hand while I, was right. I used to imitate this father's habit also from childhood. One father explained, that he wanted to see me become a mightier king and I had to get that position with my specialities and without copying him. " 

Chandrabhan - " He said the truth. Each person is different and has different characteristics and qualities. By the way, I am here to say that it's time for me to leave. I Need your permission. "

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