Lucifer woke from his pseudo-sleep to a warm arm around his waist and soft puffs of breath on top of his head. Lucifer pressed into the embrace and sighed contentedly. He opened his eyes and examined Luke's soul more closely. It really was beautiful, the way his own soul had tangled in Luke's. He focused on their connection and gasped softly when he saw flashes of Luke's dreams. That was new.

Luke pulled Lucifer closer and took a deep breath. He opened his eyes and looked at Lucifer blearily. He huffed softly and whispered, "Good morning."

Lucifer smiled shyly, "Sorry I woke you. I didn't know—"

Luke smiled, "Come on, Luce. You know I'm glad you woke me up."

Lucifer's smile widened. "Then, what would you like to do?"

Luke laughed, "Not sure," He lowered his voice, "You know I can still feel the ache from your cock in my ass?"

Lucifer flushed red, "Sorry— I didn't mean to go so hard. I just—"

Luke squeezed Lucifer's arm. "It's a joke, Luce. I like it. I'm happy that you're the one that took me," Luke said earnestly. "It felt good too," he added with a smirk.

"I...tried,"  Lucifer joked lightly. His smile fell, "I'm sorry I put you through that, love."

Luke scoffed and pressed his lips to Lucifer's cheek, "I practically made you do it, Luce. I have none to blame but myself. And hey, it turned out good."

"Yeah," Lucifer breathed, astonishment clear in his voice. He felt pure happiness bubble to the forefront of his mind. "Yeah. You're mine now. My Luke." Lucifer took Luke's hand in his own hand and kissed it, "Forever."

Luke laughed lightly and nuzzled Lucifer's nose with his own. "My Lucifer," Luke said with a smile. "My beautiful archangel."

Lucifer scoffed, "You don't have to fan my ego, my love."

Luke laughed, "Come on, you know you're gorgeous. Just admit it."

Lucifer shoved Luke away playfully. "I'm going to leave," he threatened.

Luke laughed and sat up, he winced, "Alright, I'll stop. Just come and help me take a shower."

Lucifer smiled and nodded, "Okay."

After the shower, Luke pulled on an oversized shirt he'd bought from a strange store in the mall that Lucifer had insisted they enter. He grabbed a pair of boxers and pulled them on, he pulled on some black jeans too. Lucifer borrowed an outfit from Luke's clothes; a white t-shirt, a pair of boxers, and a pair of grey sweats.

Lucifer happily carried him around their home. He set Luke down on the couch and went to make food in the small kitchen.

He looked at all the ingredients he'd have to work with and grimaced. He could just...summon it. He took a peek behind him, Luke was facing away from him and had his nose buried in a book. He began pretending to cook, pouring random things into random cups and bowls. After 10 minutes of this charade, he pulled out two plates and waved his hand over them.

"Smells good," Luke commented from the couch. Lucifer flinched and turned to see if he'd been caught. Luke was still reading. He sighed and vanished the slop he'd made. He picked up the plates and placed them on the kitchen table. He walked toward Luke and helped him walk toward the table. Sorry again. I got a little carried away.

Luke cracked a smile, 'A little?'

Lucifer huffed in amusement, "Yeah, a little."

They ate their meal quietly.

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