
'Am sorry Red....am so sorry, I wish we could stay one more day. Don't worry, I'll be back'

~End of Flashback~

~Scarlett's POV ~
'Ugh this dream again.....I wonder who that person could actually be...' I say in my mind while touching my face, and there are tears again....Ugh! 'SCARLETT DEAR! COME DOWN FOR SCHOOL! YOU'LL BE LATE ON YOUR FIRST DAY!' my mom said yelling at the top of her lungs. School already? I don't even think I wanna go anymore but...I have to. I got off from my bed 'ALRIGHT BE DOWN IN 10 MINS' then I went to my bathroom, showered and wore my uniform. I wondered why my mom wanted me to go to a fancy school anyway, she can't just waste her money like that......sigh I went out of my room and made my way downstairs to find my mom and dad being all lovey duvey and stuff so I ignored them, took my bag and left I wasn't even hungry even. My driver was waiting for me outside with a limo I walked towards the car I knocked at the passenger window sit, as the driver lowered it down I asked 'Can't I just walk or take the bus?' 'Sorry Miss Scarlett it's the Ma'dam's orders' 'Fine but I'll only go in if you drop me a few blocks from the school' 'Okay Miss Scarlett' I went over to the back sit and sat down wondering how the first day of school will be. I haven't been in school for over 5 years and that was because there  was a stalker talking me around in school so my parents got scared and decided to home school me,so if I don't make much friends it will be all their fault. The driver, Mr Harrison stopped 5 blocks away from the school like a said and I walked to school and boy was the school huge, who knew a rich school was this big. I walked in and saw so many people, some were running, laughing, talking and some other stuff while I was figuring out the way to the principals office. As I was searching for the office I bumped into someone but luckily I didn't fall. I looked up to see a beautiful girl with dark blue hair and with an amazing black eyes 'OMG OMG! are you okay???' 'Um am fine thanks' ''Oh okay, well-' 'GIRL WERE ARE YOU!! COME ON!' someone shouted almost like how my mom yells 'Oh am sorry I have to go ' she said then she left.

Sorry guys the first chapter is short....I just started this evening  so my apologies,  please tell me in the comments if I made an error and pls vote, comment and follow.....Thanks

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