~Scarlett's POV ~
I arrived at my dorm really late and I was exhausted, I stayed in the library till 10pm. I put the key and let myself in the dorm where I found Midnight sitting down on a chair with a night lamp reading a book 'Where were you, its really late.....are you hungry? ' honestly I was really hungry but exhausted at the same time 'Yes and I was at the library ' 'Okay go to the kitchen I kept food there. Make sure you get enough sleep, we'll talk in the morning' I reluctantly walked towards the kitchen and I saw the food. Ya know what....am not hungry anymore, so I went to my room and went to bed.
~The Next Day~
I woke up with a large crash coming from the kitchen I think. I quickly rushed towards the kitchen to see Midnight holding a bucket of water and trying to put out the fire coming from the stove 'Hey! Good morning ' 'What were you doing?!?!' 'I think the cookies cut fire ' I sighed and walked towards the stove and put it off 'Don't worry I'll make breakfast ' She looked excited and rushed to the her room to get dressed. After a while I kept the food on the table....it was Omlet and it was my favourite 'MIDNIGHT!! BREAKFAST'S READY-' before I could finish talking Midnight rushed downstairs and sat on her sit on the dinning table, she took one bite and squilled 'THIS IS THE BEST FOOD I HAVE TASTED SO FAR!!! YOUR THE BEST' 'Thank you.....I need to go have my shower now ' 'Okay...I'll wait for you ' She said as I rushed towards my room....had my bath and wore my cloths. I went downstairs and saw Midnight waiting for me as she promised,  she gave me a huge smile and we both left talking. We were at the library talking and arguing about how ' volleyball was pronounced as "Volleyball " and not "Bolleyball" when I stopped short when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned and saw a handsome boy with blue hair and bright pink eyes and he was staring at me almost looking nervous? 'Umm hi, your Scarlett right?' 'Umm yeah....whats up?' 'I need to speak to you...alone ' I looked at him confused then got up and followed him.
            We entered an empty classroom then he looked at me and I was sure his face was red 'So ummm I want to tell you something ' 'Go on ' 'I-I like you! Ever since the first day I saw you!!' Wow a confession so soon but I didn't even know what to say, I didn't know how to say it 'I don't know....we just met ' 'Please give me a chance ' he said while rubbing the back of his neck waiting for an answer, I looked at him then sighed 'Fine ' i didn't even know his name 'What's your name '
'Dennis, the captain of the football team ' 'Cool ' 'So are you free this weekend?' 'Yeah' 'Great....I'll pick you up by 7pm, I wanna take you somewhere ' I nodded and went out of there 'somewhere?' I asked in my mind what place would he even want to take me- RINGGGGGGG Well that's the bell,  I need to get to class. I arrived class late and my teacher gave me detention even after I explained to her that I was new ugh! Teachers.....History was boring and I almost dozed off when suddenly 'SCARLETT! ' 'Yes??' 'WHAT WAS THE LAST THING I SAID!!' I suddenly found my teacher next to me 'The Trans-sahan trade is a trade that happens across the sahan desert' 'Your lucky ' She said as she went back to the front of the class, I was lucky I remembered that I couldn't imagine if I didn't.

            Class was finally over and I quickly left to my dorm 'I ain't goin' to detention ' I said in my mind.

~Felix's POV ~
Why the hell am I still thinking about that girl.....we just met ugh! 'Hey son' my mom said as she came into my office unexpected, ugh what does she want 'What do you want mom' 'What a mother can't meet her handsome son-' 'Yes now what is it ' I said interrupting her. She sighed and sat down 'So you know how the business is going and all those stuff ' 'Yeah?' 'And you'll be turning 30 in the next 6 years right ' 'Get to the point mom' She sighed 'Your father said he needed you to get married after you inherit the business ' I stared at her in shock 'Why? Am not ready to get a wife!' I said yelling at her 'i know and that's why I think it will be good if you just marry Fiona instead since you knew her from your childhood ' 'Mom I am NOT marrying Fiona, she's OBSESSED with me and besides that I don't even like her!' 'Then we'll pick a different girl then-' 'MOM I DON'T WANT TO GET MARRIED! WHAT IS SO HARD TO GET FROM WHAT I SAID ' She stayed quiet for a while then looked at me sadly 'Honey when are you going to soften you heart for girls' 'Never ' 'You had a bestfriend when you were young. I think her name was umm Scarlett? The only time I saw you smile was with her.....ever since your just not yourself' 'Mom, she has been gone for over 10 years now. She's probably in abroad with a new boyfriend or something ' she stood up and came close to me ' it doesn't matter, I knew you loved that girl and she loved you too. She's probably back. Anyways I'll leave you to think about it ' she opened the door but before she left she said 'Have fate....' then she left. Ugh she always leaves saying something so werid.

       I decided to leave work early and head down to a near by cafe. I was walking in when suddenly BAM! I looked around and I saw girl that i saw in school today and a guy I've never met before. Her face was covered with blood and the guy was about to hit her again but I was able to hold his hand tight 'HEY LET GO OF ME YOU BASTARD! THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU! 'I left forward and punch him hard knocking him down to the floor.

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