The past

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"What do you want to eat stink?" I look up at my boyfriend, looking into his deep brown eyes. His eyes were always one of my favorite things about his appearance, deep and mysteries, just like him. " Baby? You okay your just staring at me?" I snap back.
" Um what I normally get please" I say glancing at the menu, then back to him. He nods and starts ordering for us. I stand beside him taking everything in around us. He finishes the order and we grab our cups and head to the soda machine before taking a seat. I sit next to him leaning my head on his shoulder, or well almost his shoulder. Seeing as he much taller and bigger than I am.
" You doing okay mamas? Your quieter than you normally are you have that look on your face meaning your thinking of something. " He says glancing at me and placing a kiss on my forehead. I look up at him and smile, he knows me better than I know myself.
" Yeah, Claire wants to stop by the house after were done to talk to me, she sounded kinda upset." I say fidgeting with my nails, he grabs my hands and holds them in his own, he always does when he sees me fidgeting, he kisses each of my knuckles.
"I'm sure everything will be okay; she probably just needs girl help or something. " He says smiling his white canines at me. His teeth always looked unnaturally sharp.
"Order for Katie!" The cashier yells.
" Here baby move over I'll go grab it for you, you sit here and look pretty like you always do." I move out of the way, he gets up, towering over me before placing another kiss on my forehead. I smile and blush, he walks away to grab our food and comes back to sit next to me. He places my food Infront of me.
We start eating as I wonder off into my head, I had a bad feeling about what was going to happen, something didn't feel right. I twirl my fry around in the ketchup, lost in my head.
" My love what's going on baby, you seem upset. " He says looking at me, his eyes fill with worry. he puts his arm around me.
" I have a bad feeling about what Claire needs to talk about. " I say glancing out the window, " Something doesn't feel right to me. "
" It's going to be okay mamas, just relax and enjoy your time with me, eat baby before your food gets cold. We can get ice cream after to cheer you up, how does that sound. " He says smiling at me, his deep brown eyes shining with excitement.
I nod at him, my smile spreading across my face, I feel my cheeks heating up. I truly love him; he always knows how to treat me right and make me happy.
We finish eating and head to the car, he drives us to my favorite ice cream place, and we sit down and eat ice cream while talking and laughing, before heading home.
The whole ride home I had a gut retching feeling something bad was going to happen and the closer we got to home the stronger and harder the feeling became to ignore and forget about. I text Claire to head over and that we'll be in the house waiting upstairs. We head upstairs and sit on the couch. I lean against him, listening to his heartbeat.
I hear the front door open then close and Claires footsteps coming up the stairs. Claire has been my best friend for years, since middle school all the way through high school and even after we all graduated. I turn around to look at her. Her raven black hair is half up in a messy bun and half down her back. Her green eyes stare into mine, her black and red computer in her hand along with a small stack of lose papers in her other hand.
"Can we use your bedroom, and can I talk to you ALONE." She says then glancing over at Ke Keen, glaring him down. Confusing written across both on our faces, she makes her way to our bedroom, her dark hair flowing behind her.
" My feeling was right, somethings wrong. " I say sitting up to look at him, " Why did she look at you like that? " I ask anxiously.
" I don't know baby, but whatever it is, I know it'll be okay. " He says pushing my hair behind my ear, " Now go talk to her before she burns our house down. I can feel her anger from the bedroom. " I nod and give him a kiss before getting up and heading to the bedroom.
I open the door to see Claire sitting on the bed, she looks up at me. Her computer and the small stack of papers lay across my bed. I look down at them confused.
My eyes grow wide as a see a man in the pictures. Tall, long deep drown hair, deep brown eyes, a bright white canine smile, Thats my boyfriend.
I look up at Claire, " What's all this Claire. "
" You remember Soul Realm? " She asks a seriousness in her eyes.
" How could I forget that crazy hell, But what about it? "
" Ke Keen isn't who is says he is, did he tell you he knew about Soul Realm or anything about it? " She says cocking her head to the side, what is she talking about? My boyfriend isn't who he says he is. I never brought up Soul Realm with him, wasn't a good topic at all. Plus no one in the real world knew about it. If I had told him about it, he'd probably think I'm crazy.
" No, I never talked to him about Soul Realm, it's not something you can really talk about in the human world, he'd think I'm crazy if I told him about it. " I explain to her, anxiety filling my stomach.
" I don't think he'd be surprised at all; you're going to be. He knows about Soul Realm, and he's a demon hybrid, son of a Demon Lord. " I stare at her in disbelief, a mix of emotions fill my body.
" Claire where did you find all of this and why did you did do any of this? "
" Because I enjoy tracking and figuring out everything I can about someone to know them inside and out. Plus, I always had a weird feeling about Ke Keen, so I tracked him. Found out all this bullshit. " She says waving her hand across all the papers, " Put your hands on each one and see if you can trigger anything. "
" Claire, I haven't done that in forever, are you sure it's even him, this is out of nowhere and you're just now finding all of this. " She rolls her eyes at me, sighing frustratedly.
" Katie, I love you dude, but you ask way too many questions sometimes, can you stop being stubborn with me and just trust me please. I'm your best friend dude, have some faith. " She grabs my hands and places it above a woman holding a baby, " You can do it, just relax and let it happen. I'll be here if you need me to pull you out. " I take deep breath, seeing as I have no way out of this, a nervous shake goes through me. I look at the paper, intimated by it. Not knowing what I was getting myself into. An innocent looking picture of a woman holding a child, that was connected to my apparent Demon boyfriend. I haven't put myself into a picture in months, touching this picture will allow me to see all event connected to it. To what lead up, before and after this picture. I sigh, taking another deep breath and placing my hand firmly on the picture. I close my eyes and reach out to the small light of energy that begins forming in my chest. My head goes silent as I feel myself fading away from reality.
A small red brick house is what I open my eyes too, deep red rose bushes and vines with small purple flowers twisted around the stems were places around beautifully like an art piece. I walk up to the door and open it. I was able to interact with objects and watch the events unfold, without it interfering with anyone or anything around me.
As the door opens, I see a woman, her dark brown hair falling down around her head in delicate swirls, she smiles down at a tiny baby in her arms. Her eyes full of joy and deep sorrow. Her son was a part demon, his father a fire Demon Lord named Abraxas. I step closer and look down at the baby. He has short dark brown hair, dark brown eyes that have shine of deep dark purple. He looks almost exactly like Ke Keen when he was a baby. My head spins as I try to understand what was happening. I look at the mother, placing my hand on her head and closing my eyes. I take a deep breath, thinking of how he was brought into this world. I feel everything go silent then soon feel myself pulled into a different memory.
I open them to see her in a wooden cabin, neatly decorated with simple but beautiful decoration and furniture. A fireplace crackles slowly in the background, I see the mother walk into the house, holding fruits and vegetables. She walks to the kitchen, playing each fruit in a bowl with care. I feel footstep approaching from down a hallway, a few seconds later a tall grey skinned demon walks around the conner. His eyes lock on the mother instantly, an evil smile forms slowly on his lips showing off his many pointed teeth.
" Welcome home darling, " He says his eyes exploring her body. " I need some help if you don't mind. " Fear strikes the mothers eyes, she shakes her head. His smile grows more. " Oh, darling you already know you're not allowed to say no. " He walks towards her, stopping a few inches in front of her, he towers over her by only a couple inches, but she was so much smaller than him, she didn't stand a chance. He lowers his head slightly, inhaling slowly. He places his hand softly on her chin. Her body begins shaking slightly, her face flushed of all color. A small whimper comes out of her, and he only seems to get more excited.
" Now we can do this the easy way, or the hard way, I'll let you pick. " He places his hand around her throat, making her look up at him. " What will it be? " I see tears running down her face.
I close my eyes and force myself out of the memory, not wanting to see what was bound to happen next. I gasp desperately for air as my eyes adjust to seeing my bedroom again. Millions of questions fill my head as I look at Claire.
" You okay Katie? " Claire asks, her eyes full of concern and curiosity, I stare at her a little longer trying to still take in everything that just happened. 
" I think so, I don't understand any of this, why wouldn't he tell me? " I look down at the door, where he was on the other side watching tv.
" Kay maybe because he's secretly a fucking demon? Along with a killer? " She says getting my attention back to her. " Look at the next one. " She says placing my hand over it. A part of me doesn't want to know, but a part of me does. Didn't matter if I didn't want to anyways, I had no choice.
I open my eyes to the dark stary sky above me, the moon full and bright. I heard a loud thud and look instantly to where it came from.
A dark tall figure lands a few feet from me, an all-black muscle shirt fits his body perfectly, showing off his frame, dark pants and a hooded cloak, covering his head, he turns in my direction and smiles, blood drips down from the side of his mouth coating his white razor-sharp canines, a crazed look in his eyes. I freeze in fear and panic, it's Ke Keen. His eyes staring through my body, I turn around realizing it's not me he's looking at. 4 Guards shout from behind me, sprinting in our direction.  I turn back to Ke Keen, I see his smile turn serious, he turns quickly around and darts forward taking off in a matter of seconds. I follow quickly behind them. In real life I wouldn't be able to keep up with him, but in here I'm able to.
I quickly take in that were not on the ground. Or some field, We're on the roof tops of many buildings.
I start catching up to him when I realize the guards are almost just as fast.
" How did they even get up here I'm the first place? " I think to myself and right as the thought enters my mind, I panic. The end of the roof stops directly in front of us. Just as I'm about to question what he's going to do. He takes a few steps back and jumps, arms spread out and a devilish smile spread across his face, not a glimmer of fear or panic showing.
He lands and rolls forwards looking behind himself quickly, suddenly he knocked to the ground by a guard. I turn not realizing the jumped. I quickly take a few steps back and prepare to jump. I run and place my foot firmly on the edge and push off with all my strength. Landing a few feet from him.
The guard kneels down next to him.
" Your fun little trip is over Kami; you're going to pay for what you've done. " He reaches for Kami's hood and rips it off. His long black hair falls around his face. The cloak falls off his body and his left arm catches my eyes; 3 dragon tattoos cover his arm, running from his finger tips up to his shoulder where the rest of the piece disappears under his shirt. He looks up at the guard, a evil sinister grin forming on his lips. He eyes glowing a deep purple, he grabs the guards face and smoke starts to steam out from under his hand. The guard screams out in excruciating pain, trying everything he can to get his hand off his face, but his struggles soon lead to blood and melted flesh dripping down his arm. The guards lifeless body falls to the ground with a heavy thud. His friends stare in shock, not knowing how to process what just happened.
Ke Keen looks at them, blood lust filling his face as his smile grows more and more.
" Now, who's next? " He says laughing, he looks at the bigger and taller guard and points a lazy finger at him. " How about you? " The guards eyes flash in fear, the smaller one runs instantly screaming for mercy. He ends up jumping down off the roof, a few seconds later I hear the sickening sound of his body meeting the ground.
Ke keens smile only seems to grow more in excitement, his right arm still dripping and covered in the blood and melted flesh of the guard.
" Kami this isn't going to end well for you no matter the outcome. Give up now and face the price for the crimes you have committed. " The guard says in a deep steady voice.
" No thanks, I'm having much more fun on the run, now time to deal with you, this is going to be pleasant. Well for me at least. " He says, his head slightly cocked to the side.
The guard's stance changes as he reaches for his throwing daggers, he quickly flicks one in Ke Keen direction. He merely steps to the side and takes off sprinting to the guard.
" It's going to take a lot more than some small dagger to kill me. " In seconds he's in front of the guard grabbing him by his shirt and picking him up throwing him against a brick wall. The guard grunts in pain and slowly gets up, blood dripping from his mouth, he wipes it on the back of his hand before spitting the rest out.
" Kami, you're only making it worse for yourself! " He says pain lacing his words, Ke Keens head tilts to the side and all emotion drains from his face, then just as soon as they left a deep rage fills his eyes. " God speed " He mutters under his breathe. In less than a second, he's in front of the guard then I hear bones crushed and blood spilling to the floor. His entire hand is inside the chest of the guard, hand wrapped around his heart then with a pull of his hand he rips his heart out. The guards' eyes widen, he didn't have time to react to anything that just happened to him, his body slides down the wall before his head hangs low. Kami stares at him in disgust.
" Worthless animal. You didn't stand a chance against me, so why did you try? Just to have your life taken away and left up here to rot where no one would find you. " He stares down at the heart in his hand before dropping it and smashing it under his boot. " They never learn now do they. What a shame, what waste of pathetic life. "

A soft sob escapes my throat, I fall to my knees. This can't be my boyfriend, this isn't the man that I fell in love with, this can't be the same person. This can't be true, there's no way. He can't be this mindless killer.
I picture my bedroom, just wanting to go back to the real world.

I open my eyes, the lights of the room stinging my eyes after being in the dark in Soul Realm. I look around realizing I'm on the floor sitting. I look up to see Claire, and Ke Keen looking at me. Tears fill my eyes, that can't be him.
" I'm so sorry for keeping this from you Katie, please let me explain. " He says panic and fear filling his eyes, his face drained of all color. " I didn't know you knew about Soul Realm; I wish you didn't find out about my past this way, but it seems to be a little too late now... "
So, it is true... That really was my boyfriend, that really was him... My head starts to spin uncontrollably as I try to process everything that just happened in front of me. The world goes black as I hear Claire say my name and I feel my body hit the floor.

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